Biz: great babysitter

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Quarterly Adventure

If you've been wondering about the outcome of Biz's three month checkup, I apologize for the delay in reporting. The short version is: everything looks fine, no evidence of recurrent or residual cancer. The long version is a bit more complicated. Allow me to expand for the sake of your understanding.
Each time Biz goes in for a check up they do two types of scans, an MRI and a PET. The PET scan is newer technology, perhaps 6-10 years old. It involves injecting a radioactive "tracer" isotope into the blood stream to locate tumors. The tracer isotope has been attached to a mixture of glucose (sugar) and, apparently tumors LOVE sugar (tell me what effect that will have on your diet)! So, the sugar settles into places where rapidly dividing cells can be found (of which cancer cells are a type). Then the patient is passed through a CT/X-Ray scan machine to find "hot spots," that is, places with high concentrations of the tracer isotope and in so doing they locate tumors. This is obviously a simplistic overview, but at least you get the point. The other scan, the MRI is the old stalwart (relatively speaking). It basically detects tissue growth and densities and using an X-Ray type of picture shows what is going on inside the body.
During Biz's first quarterly checkup the PET scan showed a "hot spot" around the orbit of her left eye. This is the area of concern--the area where she had her surgery and radiation. Normally this would be interpreted as a bad sign except that, in Biz's case, the MRI gave no corroborating evidence of abnormal tissue growth. Because the potential for harm associated with any further investigation (e.g. biopsy) was so great, the tumor board at the University of Washington recommended that we do nothing and revisit the issue after another three months.
Last week we "revisited" the matter and after the two scans were completed they showed no change--PET shows "hot spot" and MRI says "no." Because the PET is so new and Biz's tumor was so rare, the doctors are not quite sure how to interpret it. However, the fact that it is an unchanged repeat of the previous scan, and because Biz has chronic inflammation in that area, our doctors have said this is a good sign. It may be nothing more than the healing process. I'm praying that God is actually repairing all the tissue that was damaged during radiation.
Honestly, we'd rather have the doctors tell us that neither test gives any cause for concern, but the Lord knows what we need. It may be that we need continued impetus to prayer; it may be that the doctors need a reason to remain vigilant in their oversight. But the doctors tell us this is a good report, and the Lord tells us that he works all things together for the good of those who love him. So, with those words we are rejoicing at the outcome, and we are thankful for your continued prayers.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Overdue Update

If you're still checking our blog, hoping for an update, here's the latest news. We spent a relaxing, family Christmas at home this year--quite a bit colder than our Christmas in Houston. Despite the cold and snow, we were very glad to be healthy and home. Lydia and Biz are now both at Friday Harbor High School, doing well and enjoying it. Connor and Sam spend their days homeschooling with Debbie (though they prefer recess over any other subject). We give thanks for the routine of life these days.Biz has her next three month check-up February 17-18. As always, we appreciate your prayers. Her first three month appointment in November went well, and we don't expect this one to be any different. Biz is feeling great and spending as many hours as she can each week with her new horse, Brookie, thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We'll be sure to update the blog after we hear the results of her appointments. Thank you to all of you who continue to pray and call to check on Biz and our family. I posted our family's most recent picture (taken last week at church) for those of you who asked:), and a couple of Biz and Brookie.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...