Biz: great babysitter

Friday, June 20, 2008

Three girls, three burdens

Biz handled this round of chemo just about as well as possible. She was really nauseous at discharge time, so the nurse told her that if she got sick she'd have to stay. By sheer determination Biz held it in until they were discharged and reached the parking lot. Good thing she told Deb to bring a bucket. Beyond that, she has been eating well and feeling well.
Biz has been able to take riding lessons at a nearby ranch about twice a week, too. We all (Tim, Deb, Lydia, Connor, and Sam) were able to watch one of her lessons the other day because we're all in Seattle to see Lydia off. At 10:30 this morning Lydia will board an AirTran flight to Florida and Teen Missions, Int., with whom she will spend a good part of the summer in Africa. We're really proud of Lydia because she has the desire to serve Christ in this way and because she had to make most of her preparations without the help of mom. Once in Malawi, she will be with a team of kids who will share the gospel in local villages using music, drama, and puppets. They will also be showing the Jesus film in the evenings and working at one of Teen Missions' AIDS Orphanages. It sounds like a tall order. Please pray for the success of Lydia's travels and ministry. Please pray for all of my girls. They all have big items on their plates.

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Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...