Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Round 3

Tuesday, Deb and Biz flew out of Friday Harbor at 7:30am for a 9:00am kidney test (5 hours long). On Wednesday, Biz will have another hearing test and a PET scan. All of this is being done to assess the effects, both positive and negative, of her chemotherapy so far. Assuming they find nothing unexpected, Biz will begin her 3rd round of chemotherapy on Thursday. It's hard to imagine how poorly it can make her feel, especially if you've seen her upbeat and happy spirit over the past few days at home. Please pray that she will feel well and that the chemotherapy will be effective.
We still have not heard back about the biopsy they took on the 5th. While we trust the Lord with whatever we hear, we expect good news.


Anonymous said...

I guess it's time for me to post something and get the ball rolling. I know how encouraging remarks from people can be.

This not knowing has got to be hard - so my prayer is for peace for you as you wait and strength to endure whatever is next. I don't know how people who don't have God go through things like this. It is a comfort to know that God is in control and HE has a plan. It was a joy to see Biz's smiling face on Sunday and Deb's too.


Kris said...

We love you Biz and Deb. We pray and think of you daily and in the middle of the night. We look forward to having this behind you and playing in the sun soon. Heck the sun even appearing here would be nice. Biz I am planning another girls slumber party in August, this will be our 2nd annual. Plan on it! Meteor Shower. :Love Kris & Steve

Anonymous said...

Dear Biz & Debbie,
We'll continue to pray that test results will be encouraging and the biopsy will be declared "clean".
Biz, we're sorry we didn't see you over the weekend, but we enjoyed seeing your mom and dad and Lydia and Conner. (We almost didn't recognize Tim - with his new hair-do.) Will be seeing, at least part of your family tomorrow, 'cause they'll be eating my cooking. Koshi and Elaine are doing a super job keeping us informed.
Love you both, Linda & Wes

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...