Biz: great babysitter

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another who needs the Lord

Children's Hospital is both the most wonderful and the most terrible place to be--wonderful because of the care one receives and terrible because of the sad struggles that many families are facing. Deb called and asked us to pray for Sherrice and her little baby, Felix. Deb and Biz met them during Biz's second round of chemo. While the hematology/oncology wing is being upgraded, patients must share a room. Biz shared one with Felix, a 4 month old whose liver had stopped working. At the time they met, Felix was crying constantly from pain and his stomach was distended. Today (6 weeks later) he's in ICU on life support. The doctors cannot figure out what's happening. Sherrice just had a meeting with the doctors to "discuss her options." Without a miracle, Felix doesn't look like he's going to make it.
Sherrice, a mother of two, is 19 years old and alone in this. She has no husband to help shoulder the load. Please pray that she would have a relationship with the Living God through Jesus Christ. He can save her and he can help her. He can also save Felix, because what is needed is a miracle. It's times like this that we're reminded that we are dependent upon the Lord. Doctors are wonderful, but they are not God. Sherrice and Felix, like Biz and the rest of the Daniels, need the Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Biz & Deb:
I'll be praying for the young mother and her two children. I'm sure your friendship has made her feel not so alone in her situation.
We saw Tim and the boys at the Cape pot luck this evening. The salmon was delicious, as were the hot dogs! We missed you gals. Glad the reports have been good and we're eager for you to get home - for good!

Love you both and praying for you often.

Linda & Wes

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...