Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Final Round?

Some rather disconcerting news, about which we seek your prayers: today Deb and Biz met with a nurse practitioner because Dr. Johnson was away on vacation. The nurse practitioner was under the impression, because of an earlier conversation with Dr. Johnson, that there will be yet another round of chemo after this one.
Obviously, this is not what Biz (or any of us) wants. As it says in Proverbs 13:12, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." The longing is to be done with it all. On the other hand, we want to be certain that Biz receives all the treatment that she needs. Better one more round now than many later. Please pray for our and the doctor's wisdom in this matter. Our greatest wish is that it be just a misunderstanding on the NP's part.
So, Biz has begun round 4 (hopefully the last) and needs your prayers. Please pray for (actually against) her nausea and any other harmful effects. So far she's doing great--all tests have been excellent. She's also been very upbeat, if not a little too active. The Lord is good, so he's good to Biz. We'll wait and see what's in his plan.


Unknown said...

Greetings Tim, Debbie, Elizabeth, and dear family--I am back on-island for the rest of the summer and I got into your blog to see how things are going before I contact you personally. You are always in my prayers. Love in Christ, Joyce Crain

Anonymous said...

Hello Daniels -- I've been following your blog off and on since Anne let me know about it. The off and on part was because of having my second little girl in February. Now that she's old enough that life is starting to have a semblance of normalcy, I picked back up on the "news". Just wanted to let you know that there are some prayers coming your way from Vegas.
---- Shanda

Anonymous said...

Greetings Daniels family

So sorry to hear about Biz, hoping it is just some kind of misunderstanding for all your sakes.

Do not worry about Biz. At her young age she has had to go through more that most people experience in their entire lives. Her faith has been refined many times over and is stronger for it. She can handle whatever the devil throws at her, ans so can the rest of you.

You and your family are alwaysin my prayers, and always will be.

Your friend in christ

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...