Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Process

Right now we are praying and waiting for Biz's ANC count to reach 500. It's a bit technical (for me) but suffice it to say that's the blood count number that allows her to come home. Physically she feels fine (all praise to Jesus). That makes the waiting a bit surreal--I feel well so why can't I go home? Whenever she and Deb do get here it will only be for a short visit since Biz has kidney and audiology tests on the 10th and they can't leave until after the 5th. That's the day on which Biz has her second biopsy.
The results of the biopsy are CRUCIAL. Not only do they determine the number of treatments ahead (if it's clean, she'll have two more treatment cycles; if not, she'll have four), they will also be an indicator of the effectiveness of treatment thus far. For obvious reasons, we ask you to pray for a clean biopsy.
We can do nothing but trust the Lord in this.
As you pray for us, please also pray for Sean and Sara Parsons (members of Islands Community Church) and their little girl Ava. She's about 6 months old and has a "mystery illness" (that is, a mystery to everyone but Lord). It has been very serious and dangerous, so far. The island is a beautiful place to live, but its limitations are most evident at times like this. Please pray for their spirits as they weather this trial and for an accurate diagnosis and speedy recovery. Lord, please give Sean and Sara wisdom and direction as they seek care for their daughter and please protect Ava through this process.
Biz and I share an affinity for Calvin & Hobbes. (Click on it to enlarge).


Anonymous said...

praying...will be looking for test results. love you all. joe.

Anonymous said...

"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up." Luke 18:1 Interceding with you. The Denneys

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...