Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, June 12, 2008


The biopsy found no evidence of cancer!
Neither did the PET scan.

Biz said, "Great, let's go home now."
The doctor said, "Sorry, this cycle and one more."
I say, "Four cycles are better than six."

Jesus, thank you for taking away Biz's cancer. Please keep her healthy and help her to weather the next couple of chemo cycles with as little discomfort as possible. We love you. Amen.


The Posenjak's said...

What a blessing to hear about Biz, I don't blame her for wanting to come home,God is so good! Hang in there Biz you have done such a great job.

Love the Posenjak's

The Parsons' blog said...

Awesome!! Praise the Lord for the good news. We'll be praying these last two rounds go by quickly and smoothly. Love, The Parsons

Anonymous said...

We are rejoicing and praising the Lord with you all. We are so very thankful to hear such GREAT news. We continue to pray for His strength, His protection and His endurance. Love from us all, The Lambrights...

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! We've been praying for Biz all along and today our prayer emphasis has been for encouragement for the family. What better encouragement could there be? Our God is an awesome God! Hang in there Biz and we'll pray these last two chemo sessions will truly finish off that enemy once and for all.
We love you,
Rich and Lona

Anonymous said...

Praise be to God our GREAT PHYSICAN! What wonderful news. Hang in there a little while longer
Barb Lackey

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, wonderful news!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. We'll be praying that you have an easy time during the last two sessions of treatment. I believe that soon and very soon it will all be over and be just a memory. I love those pictures Tim used. I think they represent showers of blessings.
Love ya, Linda & Wes

Anonymous said...

We know God answers ALL our prayers but we have extra cause for rejoicing when the answer is exactly the one we wanted to hear. We're so very thankful for the good news and pray that this next round or two flies by with as little discomfort as possible.

Fred & Merilyn
Romans 5:1-5

Anonymous said...

Great news! Our God is an awesome God -- our healer. Biz, we thank Him for the good news and continue to pray for you that your next two treatments will go smoothly for you and you will have the strength only God can give. We love you.
Louise and Dave

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Praise the LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! We are rejoicing with you Daniel's family! Love in Jesus, <>< Scott and Debbie Jarus

Anonymous said...

Riley's said...
Praise be to God our great physican!!!!
HAPPY EARLY FATHER'S DAY!!! What a blessing, were rejoicing with you! Biz your such a great example, our hearts and love are with you.
Love the Riley's

Anonymous said...

What a treat to visit this website and see the FireWorks. Hooray and Thank God.
My heart is with you all and, of course, with the dear brave and strong Biz. What a relief to hear that you have won yet another round. Thanks so much, Debbie and Tim, for sharing your family's fears and your joys with us. You are angels among us--all pointing to the love God has for us all. Sharron Kick, CSJ

Anonymous said...

So nice to hear some good news. We truly do serve a good God. Even better to hear that she is feeling so well.

All of you will be in my prayers. Hang on for a little longer Biz, you are almost there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Biz and Daniels family, what a great thanksgiving to God for your report of not having any cancer. You don't know me but I am the one who sent the prayer blanket to you. I have met your grandmother at the gym and she has shared your challenge before you and asked for all of us to pray. You have touched my heart so much as I have a granddaughter your age too. You have been prayed for among so many here in Ohio and can't wait to meet you someday when you visit here in Ohio. To God be the glory, great things He has done. sincerely, Rachel Day

Anonymous said...

Many here in St. Louis have been rejoicing with you all and praising God over the past few days. What an encouragement for everyone!!! love, joe

DianneD said...

Wonderful news! God is so good.
The Degarmos

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Girls at pool
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