Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Biz is done...sort of

Biz has officially completed her final round of chemotherapy!!! She and Deb met with the Dr. Johnson today and Dr. Johnson said Biz could continue if she wanted to, but there's no evidence that 6 rounds are better than 4 and the typical trimodal treatment process (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) includes 2 to 4 rounds of chemo. She also said Biz's input was important, and Biz's input was "I'm done." So we're done. Sort of. We still have to wait for her blood cell count to come up. And, she'll need another biopsy, a kidney test, a hearing test, an MRI, and a CT scan--among other things. These will all be done after a week or two and then we'll settle into the routine of regular check-ups and scans. But that's small stuff, comparatively speaking. For tonight, Deb and Biz are thinking of something they can do to celebrate.
Praise the Lord.


Anonymous said...

AMEN to that! We were praying, of course, that whatever was best for Biz would be what came about, but if possible please let this be the last round! Woo-hoo!!!! Celebrate BIG! We love you both and look forward to having you home SOON!
Much love from The Holts

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! We rejoice with you. Praise the Lord. It will be good to have you home where you both can enjoy the pool and the sunshine we're having.
Hurry, hurry...Love, Linda & Wes

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! What an awesome answer to prayer. I will continue to pray for good results on your final tests. God is good! Hurry home. Hugs, Alice

Anonymous said...

While we've enjoyed watching Tim take care of the boys (very well, I might add), we're very glad you will be together again. We'll be praying that the counts will go up quickly and you'll have a break before other decisions need to be made.
Kris, Dave, Carson and Connor

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...