Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, July 17, 2008


My hair is growing back! As of Wednesday I stopped shaving my head because Biz is done with chemotherapy and she and Deb are home. A summary of Biz's chemo experience was captured in the words of a friend who said, "for such a tiny, little girl I don't think I've met anyone tougher."
Deb and Biz arrived home on Tuesday, earlier than expected (while we were in the middle of house cleaning). Biz and I made a brief return trip to Children's Hospital on Thursday for an infusion of platelettes, but aside from that everything seems to be going according to plan. We'll all be glad when Lydia gets home from her missions trip and we can be together again as a family (and maybe get some vacation time).
My hair's off to Biz, to Deb, and to anyone else who reads this and has gone through such an experience. To the rest, I say: Grow close to Jesus Christ. Your time of testing will come, and you want to be as prepared as possible. You need a reservoir of trust in his love, sovereignty, wisdom, and goodness. These are not things you want to learn in the process, and everyone will go through such times.
Thanks to everyone who has kept up with the blog and prayed, to all those who sent hats and other items of encouragement, to all those who cooked meals for me and the other kids, and to all those who filled in where I was unable. The Lord used you in answer to our prayers for strength and comfort.


Anonymous said...

When the moment comes, and you're all together in one place, take a picture and put it on your blog. I think it would be a good confirmation for all of us!
We love you and will continue to keep Biz in our prayers.

Kris, Dave, Carson and Connor Brown

Anonymous said...

When is Lydia due home?

Anonymous said...

Lydia is due home very soon, all of us are glad to be able to say.

And I agree, it would be very nice to see a picture of the whole family together.


Anita said...

What wisdom to warn believers to be prepared before the tough times come, before they happen. I went through a divorce on an "empty tank" took me a year or more to even begin trusing God and seeing that He is always good.

By the way, I visited your church Sunday. It was incredible. I am praying for you.

Anita Anderson

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...