Biz: great babysitter

Monday, July 7, 2008

Where's that finish line?

All of me wants to have typed "Biz is done with chemo" on Sunday, but we've had an anticlimactic end--we hope--with the lingering prospects. Oh well, we'll celebrate eventually, and we'll find out more in a couple of days. In the meantime, Biz and Deb are at the Silverstein's house in Seattle and Biz feels well. She and Deb met with an eye surgeon today about some reconstructive issues and they were really encouraged. Nobody wants more hospital time, least of all Biz, but we're glad to hear about the options. We'll see where things head from here. Needless to say, even post-chemo is not simple--but it's better. Thank you, Lord, for care and strength and guidance and perseverence.


Anonymous said...

Dear Deb & Biz:
As Tim sez "we'll celebrate eventually" and in the meantime just know we are all still with you, praying every morning and night for this experience to be over. Fog here at the Cape this morning. Glad you two are with friends, tell the Silversteins hello for us. It must make the time pass more quickly when you're away from the hospital.
Love you both,
Linda & Wes

alp2295 said...

When will you know whether you're done or not? Is it just once the Dr. is back from vacation, or are there more tests that need to be done, etc . . . ?

I'm so glad that Biz is feeling well. That makes all the difference in the world! Still praying for you all,


Tim Daniels said...

We're not really sure. We think it's when we meet with the doctor, unless the doctor isn't certain herself. Deb and Biz meet with Dr. Johnson tomorrow (Wed.) and there's already another biopsy scheduled, but this whole process has been very fluid--which is really helpful, but often leaves us uncertain about the schedule. As soon as we know, we'll let you know.

alp2295 said...

Thanks for the info. I'm praying for her appt today.


Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...