Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I thought I (Debbie) would be better at updating you on our last few days here in Houston since I am here with Biz. To all of you who have been praying, we are extremely grateful. Yesterday and today have been pain free for Biz. The night before last she was up in the middle of the night for 2 hours because the pain was so severe. We talked to the doctor today and he said that even though pain is a hard thing to predict, it could get worse, and it would be normal if it did. That was a bummer to hear, but I know that the Lord is not subject to "normal", so I am counting on your prayers for Him to do what would be abnormal and even supernatural on Biz's behalf. As I was running this morning I wondered how much pain he has kept her from already. I guess we'll find out when we get to heaven.

Although Biz did not have any pain today, we had a struggle of a different kind tonight. She had a major meltdown over wanting to go home. She has made occasional comments all along about missing friends and not being with her brothers and sister, but tonight she just kept crying, "Why can't we go home today?" For those of you who know me very well, I am not the best comforter. And for those of you who know Biz very well, she's not much of a crier. What a combo. I wasn't sure what to say. The thoughts going through my mind came out of my mouth, though maybe they shouldn't have. I answered her with the facts of how many more treatment sessions we have and how the doctors know what is best, so we can't go home yet. Of course I walked away feeling completely inadequate. Did I say the right thing? Should I have said nothing at all? I did pray with her, and hug her. But I sure would appreciate your prayers that I would be able to provide the comfort and encouragement she needs. We are counting down the days until we are back home on the island.

1 comment:

alp2295 said...

Oh Deb! . . . Your post made me want to laugh and cry at the same time. On one hand, my heart aches for you . . . to have to try and comfort your daughter at such a rough time . . . to see her missing her family to the point of fitful tears. You want her to miss them . . . you've worked her whole life to build that family identity so that she loves her siblings and wants to be with them, and yet that is the one thing she can't have right now.

Then on the other hand . . . I remember a certain teenage girl who showed up at your house a time or two, in tears . . . and you trying to comfort her. I remember you even saying "Sorry, I'm not very good at this" I remember a certain awkwardness, and even wanting to laugh at the time. Of course, it is funny when you're talking about a hormonal teenager.

Remember that you are the mom that God chose for Biz. He is using you (shortcomings and all) in an amazing way in her life. I know that you know that. I wish I could offer some amazingly profound piece of encouragement . . . but alas, it seems that I'm not very good at that either : )

Just know that I love you and am praying for you all!

In Him,


Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...