Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy times

The worst thing about the post-9/11 security at the airports is not the long line that you must wait in to get through the check points, nor fact that they make you remove your shoes when you get there (?!). The worst part is that when you take your wife and kids to the airport you can't walk them to the gate and see that they get away o.k. You just drop them off at the curb. So it was good to get the call from home telling me that they made it safely and according to plan. Deb and the kids arrived home to a warm house and a warm meal thanks to the loving effort of some friends, and Biz and I have begun the daily routine. I must admit that I'm not as good at this routine as Deb, but mine usually includes Starbuck's, so there are SOME advantages to having Dad take over.
We had a happy moment today as Arjun, the 6 year old boy from Seattle that I asked you to pray for, had his last treatment! He came out holding his mask, painted just like Spiderman, with a huge smile on his face. His overall cancer treatment is not finished, so you can still pray for him and his family, but he is done with radiation and experienced very little negative side-effect during the course. I have exchanged addresses with his dad and hope to see them again.
Biz's mask remains unpainted (she's a little too old, and a little too young, for that kind of nonsense). I suggested she paint it to look like me, but she didn't go for it.


Anonymous said...


Your ability to laugh at such a time as this says so many things. It says that your burden has been cast upon one who is sovereign, loving, wise, and able. A person cannot laugh when they carry a heavy load. Thank you for glorifying Him by your laughter. It is a testimony stronger than any sermon you could have ever delivered. Praying for God's mighty hand upon you all, especially sweet Biz.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you and Biz tomorrow! Maybe if we go to college station, we can hit up a starbucks. And there should definately be some guitar heroism. :)

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...