Biz: great babysitter

Monday, December 31, 2007

Through the Bible

P.S. A short note: for the past several years I have made available to our congregation a bible reading plan developed by Dr. James Meeks that takes you through the bible in a year reading Old and New Testament on Mon.-Sat., Psalms on Sundays, and relevant Christmas and Easter passages on those days. If you would like one, I can email it to you, just send me your email address at (replace AT with @) and I'll send it to you at my next convenience. I am not on my own computer (online) so I have to make use of wi-fi connections when they're available. For those at ICC, I'll ask Kris Brown to print it out for next week's bulletin--just read Gen. 1-14 by next Sunday and Matt. 1-5:16 to keep up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are out of the loop - Kris Brown had them ready yesterday. Very small group so there will be plenty to hand out for next Sunday too.

Weather is cold here so enjoy the warm while you can.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...