Biz: great babysitter

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Back to Normal

Judging by the number of phone calls we've received for updates, this post is long overdue. So:
Deb and Biz got back to the island Wednesday, and Biz looks 200% better! She had a couple of bacterial infections, including staph, but the rash appears to have been a reaction to some ingredient in the moisturizer that she was using. The dermatologist at Children's Hospital said that it could take up to six weeks to subside and since Biz was not nauseous or feverish she may as well go home--with instructions to keep a close eye on things. Well, we have kept a close eye on things and the rash has faded fast, almost completely gone in just the past 3 days! I think she may be allergic to hospitals at this point.
I thank the Lord for the encouragement this has been. Our need for prayer has not lessened, however; it has just refocused. These events have taken their toll on us, while functioning as some of the greatest spiritual growth fertilizer possible. I can tell from my own short fuse and my lack of focus at my desk that I'm tired, so I need grace to respond with patience and diligence. We have also gained great insight into our children's and our family's strengths and weaknesses. Pray that we can best encourage growth in both.
We're glad to be back together in, what appears to be, normal life. But I've learned that normal is a matter of perspective and that sometimes "normal" is just habit and hinders us from seeing the things God would want us to see--about Him, about us, about life. Hebrews 12 reminds us that the "abnormal" confirms that we are God's children--Him at work to change us and help us see what He sees.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

So close and yet...

The doctors have given Biz clearance to travel as far away as Mount Vernon where our friends, Anne and Taylor Long, live. They (the doctors, not Anne and Taylor) took some cultures yesterday and found that Biz has staph and some other bacteria, the name of which Deb could not recall. Since Biz's body is not yet responding to the antibiotics they don't want her, in the event of complications, being a ferry ride away from the mainland, or needing to be air lifted in the high wind season. The plan is to check her out and reevaluate the situation on Tuesday. Until then, Anne and her girls (a wild and crazy bunch) will offer some much needed fun and distraction.
The upside of all this is that Biz is not feeling "ill." The rash is unrelenting (and itchy) and has the doctors concerned to see improvement, but she is not nauseous or feverish. She's on a lot of medication at the moment, but we keep asking the Lord to use it all to her well-being.

Divine provision

Deb and Biz did, in fact, take me up on my encouragement to consider their clothing need a "providential opportunity," and, true to form, Deb called to tell me about the great deals and 75% off that she got at Eddie Bauer. Biz, too, was able to get a few things because the doctor gave her a "pass" that permitted her a few hours away from from the hospital. I thank the Lord for opportunities like that as they have a way of softening the harsh edges of medical treatment. I'm sure the girls had fun.
The dermatologist seems to know the source of the problem, apparently an allergic reaction to one of the creams she had used as a moisturizer. She hadn't used it in several days, but with her body in a more vulnerable state right now, the reaction was able to spread without much immediate response to the antibiotics. They are fairly confident that she just needs more time for the medication to do its thing.
1 Cor. 10:13 promises us that the Lord will never give us more than we can handle, but these circumstances remind me that I am not the determiner of how much that is. The Lord knows the limit and must at times take us to it. It also reminds me that it isn't a promise about how much we can handle in our own strength. Taking us to the limit is how the Lord gets us beyond self-reliance and on to dependence upon Him. As in all things, that is the goal.
We have no word yet about when Biz will be released; hopefully today but we have determined not to rush things. Our desire is to see her well and recovering--what's another day in comparison to that.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Evening Update

It doesn't look like the doctors will be releasing Biz for a day or two, until they can get a handle on the nature of the rash. She had an appointment with a dermatologist this afternoon, but I have not yet gotten word about its outcome.
One point of thanksgiving: Deb and Biz are in Seattle! They were entirely unprepared for an extended stay, but at least it feels more like home, and is many, many miles closer. Except for her frugality, Deb might have considered this a providential opportunity--hit the mall down the street and buy some new clothes! At least Biz gets a fresh and stylish hospital gown everyday; Deb has only the clothes she wore down there.
Another point of thanksgiving: Craig Denney, a missionary to Thailand that we support at our church, will be at our speaking for our worship service on Sunday! That sure helps when your thoughts are 100 miles away. Once again the Lord's timing is impeccable.

Morning Update

I just spoke with Biz a few minutes ago. I asked her how she was feeling and she said, "itchy." The IV appears to have had no effect last night. In fact, the rash has spread to her neck and stomach. I have no doubt the doctors will figure this out, but please keep praying to that end. Our conversation ended when the doctors came to take her away for CT and minor procedures.
Well, gotta get Lyd to school. Sometimes life makes big circles.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another Night in the Hospital

Biz will be spending at least one more night in Children's Hospital.
At about 10:30am she and Deb took the ferry to the mainland and sped down to Seattle to meet with Dr. Perkins about unexpected swelling and a rash arising in the radiated area of her face. The rash has now spread to her hands. Dr. Perkins could not identify the cause with certainty, so they admitted Biz and put her on an IV antibiotic. Tomorrow they want to take another CT scan and do some minor O.R. procedures.
Biz is exceedingly disappointed. She (and we) expected her departure from Houston to begin a doctor/hospital reprieve. Please pray that her spirit will be buoyed up in the Lord. Pray, too, for the doctors to find out what they need to find, and for Biz to get the reprieve she's been longing for the past four months.

A trip to the ER

I'm not sure how many people will be reading the blog now that Deb and Biz have come home, but a brief update is needed today.
Biz arrived home with a noticeable "radiation sunburn" on the left side of her face. While this is typical and goes away, Biz's face, especially around her eye, has been becoming increasingly swollen, and in the last few days a rash has sprung up that is spreading to both sides. She is also experiencing a little blurring of her vision in her left eye--a first for Biz. Dr. Kornguth, the radiation oncologist at MD Anderson, said that by now we should be seeing marked improvement. Thus far it has only grown worse. So...
Deb and Biz are, at this moment, headed to the Emergency Room at UW/Children's Hospital at Dr. Perkins' recommendation. Please pray for Biz's health and healing.

P.S. for Bev L.: Why Rod Stewart?--because he's made a career of romantic love songs and my wife was coming home. It would have been more pastoral of me if I'd have said I had an urge to play the Bill Gaither Trio but, like that would ever happen! No one would have believed me.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Headed home 7

Time to go
Gotta get flowers, gotta get chocolate, gotta be there when they get in...
strange urge to play some Rod Stewart music

Headed home 6

House is looking pretty nice;
Went to buy flowers, but forgot my wallet...will try again
Lydia brought Lita home to help her clean; she NEEDS the help

Heard from Biz and Deb; they've landed at Seatac!
So close...they're waiting for a shuttle to Boeing;

Headed home 5

2:50 pm
floor mopped; boys room cleaned.
Gotta pick up Lydia.
girls 15 minutes from landing at Seatac

Headed home 4

1:55 pm
leak fixed;
girls nearing Wyoming

Headed home 3

Leak discovered under kitchen sink...great...
girls still over Colorado

Headed home 2

Kids schooled and fed and bathed (at least they can do the latter two themselves!);
rugs shaken, floors swept;
girls somewhere over Colorado.

Headed home

Sheets cleaned, beds made; girls checking through airport security

We've altered the plans slightly. Rather than pick the girls up at the airport, we decided to fly them to the island from Seattle on a puddle jumper. With ferry lines and schedules, rush hour traffic, and basic travel time, this will save us (me, Lyd, and the boys) about 12 hours, plus it'll keep Lyd from missing a day of school. Deb and Biz will arrive on the island around 7:00pm, saving them about three hours. The biggest (unstated) advantage is the 9 hours extra it gives us to get everything in order (plus buy some flowers).

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...