Biz: great babysitter

Friday, February 8, 2008

Morning Update

I just spoke with Biz a few minutes ago. I asked her how she was feeling and she said, "itchy." The IV appears to have had no effect last night. In fact, the rash has spread to her neck and stomach. I have no doubt the doctors will figure this out, but please keep praying to that end. Our conversation ended when the doctors came to take her away for CT and minor procedures.
Well, gotta get Lyd to school. Sometimes life makes big circles.


Anonymous said...

I guess I was thinking Biz would get a reprieve as well. After a call from my Sis I jumped online to see what was up and we will be praying. Sweet Biz. We love you all. Trish

Anonymous said...

Deb and Biz (and all)
You are in our thoughts and prayers...I wondered where you were off to in such a hurry when you passed me Thursday the time I told Ken we should be praying for Elizabeth.
Trusting to see you both home soon this week with some good news.
Love to you all. Ruth and Ken

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...