Biz: great babysitter

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Back to Normal

Judging by the number of phone calls we've received for updates, this post is long overdue. So:
Deb and Biz got back to the island Wednesday, and Biz looks 200% better! She had a couple of bacterial infections, including staph, but the rash appears to have been a reaction to some ingredient in the moisturizer that she was using. The dermatologist at Children's Hospital said that it could take up to six weeks to subside and since Biz was not nauseous or feverish she may as well go home--with instructions to keep a close eye on things. Well, we have kept a close eye on things and the rash has faded fast, almost completely gone in just the past 3 days! I think she may be allergic to hospitals at this point.
I thank the Lord for the encouragement this has been. Our need for prayer has not lessened, however; it has just refocused. These events have taken their toll on us, while functioning as some of the greatest spiritual growth fertilizer possible. I can tell from my own short fuse and my lack of focus at my desk that I'm tired, so I need grace to respond with patience and diligence. We have also gained great insight into our children's and our family's strengths and weaknesses. Pray that we can best encourage growth in both.
We're glad to be back together in, what appears to be, normal life. But I've learned that normal is a matter of perspective and that sometimes "normal" is just habit and hinders us from seeing the things God would want us to see--about Him, about us, about life. Hebrews 12 reminds us that the "abnormal" confirms that we are God's children--Him at work to change us and help us see what He sees.


Anonymous said...

I told you once before that 'normal is very overrated! Glad your family is back together, but this could be preparation for when your kids start to flee the nest! It happens sooner than you think!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are all back together!! Our lives too are starting to become "normal", but a normal we've never had before. We're all in the middle of culture shock and the kids are dunked into Spanish public schools right now. We can relate with you in being stretched.

Our love to your family and that the road ahead will be smooth for awhile, and that you will all be able to stay together without more upsets. We wish we could have been closer to help friends in need. We've kept up with your blog and held you in prayer.

Love, The Saxe Family
Nate Mary Sierra Andrea Timmy Theo

Unknown said...

Hey Daniels Family!! I ran across your website, and wanted to let you know I'm praying for you guys. Having lived in Dallas now for almost 7 years, I can tell you that MD Anderson really is the best in the fight against cancer.

Hope you're finding "normal" again...whatever that may look like. :)


Andre said...

Hey Daniels,

Funny to run across your site via 9marks to New Community and to you guys. I was looking for your e-mail and couldn't find it. So I'm dropping you a line here. I'm reading through the blog to get caught on your fam.

It's a great encouragement to my faith to see that you are all persevering and keeping on.

I speak of you all often and pray for you when God brings you to mind. I'll keep you in regular prayer now.

e-mail me when you have a chance.


chris said...

Tim & Debbie... You guys have been in our prayers constantly for months now. We pray God's peace & perseverance continues and that as you press on He reveals Himself more and more.
God is good.

chris conley

Anonymous said...

How are the family doing now? How have the other kids handled Biz getting so much attention? I'm sure you're all pleased life is back to normal

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...