Biz: great babysitter

Saturday, February 9, 2008

So close and yet...

The doctors have given Biz clearance to travel as far away as Mount Vernon where our friends, Anne and Taylor Long, live. They (the doctors, not Anne and Taylor) took some cultures yesterday and found that Biz has staph and some other bacteria, the name of which Deb could not recall. Since Biz's body is not yet responding to the antibiotics they don't want her, in the event of complications, being a ferry ride away from the mainland, or needing to be air lifted in the high wind season. The plan is to check her out and reevaluate the situation on Tuesday. Until then, Anne and her girls (a wild and crazy bunch) will offer some much needed fun and distraction.
The upside of all this is that Biz is not feeling "ill." The rash is unrelenting (and itchy) and has the doctors concerned to see improvement, but she is not nauseous or feverish. She's on a lot of medication at the moment, but we keep asking the Lord to use it all to her well-being.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updates. They mean more than you may know. We are continuing to trust God and ask for His healing touch and that He will continue to strengthen you and your whole family.

We love you guys!
Dave & Elaine

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that I and the leaders from Devo' continue to check your updates and are lifting you all up in prayer often. I can remember times during my spells at hospitals when I had to return unexpectedly. Learning to look intentionally for God's fingerprints during that time became essential and very rewarding for my heart and spiritual health.

Praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

I dreamed about Biz last night, good dreams not bad. Every time I stirred I realized that I was dreaming about Elizabeth Daniels. Maybe this was prompted by the fact that as I looked at my photo album recently (one Deb helped me get started by having a CM party), I saw Biz in there, about two years old in a varity of situations, including having fun at Chuck E Cheese's. I woke up thinking that if Biz is so much on my heart (our hearts), how much more is she on the heart of God. Yes, she is--day and night.


Anonymous said...

I had a dream last night about biz, she was all healed up no infection and looked really good!!
Your in my prayers Biz! Love you.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...