Biz: great babysitter

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Divine provision

Deb and Biz did, in fact, take me up on my encouragement to consider their clothing need a "providential opportunity," and, true to form, Deb called to tell me about the great deals and 75% off that she got at Eddie Bauer. Biz, too, was able to get a few things because the doctor gave her a "pass" that permitted her a few hours away from from the hospital. I thank the Lord for opportunities like that as they have a way of softening the harsh edges of medical treatment. I'm sure the girls had fun.
The dermatologist seems to know the source of the problem, apparently an allergic reaction to one of the creams she had used as a moisturizer. She hadn't used it in several days, but with her body in a more vulnerable state right now, the reaction was able to spread without much immediate response to the antibiotics. They are fairly confident that she just needs more time for the medication to do its thing.
1 Cor. 10:13 promises us that the Lord will never give us more than we can handle, but these circumstances remind me that I am not the determiner of how much that is. The Lord knows the limit and must at times take us to it. It also reminds me that it isn't a promise about how much we can handle in our own strength. Taking us to the limit is how the Lord gets us beyond self-reliance and on to dependence upon Him. As in all things, that is the goal.
We have no word yet about when Biz will be released; hopefully today but we have determined not to rush things. Our desire is to see her well and recovering--what's another day in comparison to that.

1 comment:

The Parsons' blog said...

Good job Debbie, I think you handled the situation in "Ramsey fashion" :) It could have been the perfect opportunity for you to tell your husband "man honey... Nordstrom just wasn't having any sales on their shoes!" :)

We're praying for Biz, that she'll be able to come home soon. Thanks for the updates.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...