Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another Night in the Hospital

Biz will be spending at least one more night in Children's Hospital.
At about 10:30am she and Deb took the ferry to the mainland and sped down to Seattle to meet with Dr. Perkins about unexpected swelling and a rash arising in the radiated area of her face. The rash has now spread to her hands. Dr. Perkins could not identify the cause with certainty, so they admitted Biz and put her on an IV antibiotic. Tomorrow they want to take another CT scan and do some minor O.R. procedures.
Biz is exceedingly disappointed. She (and we) expected her departure from Houston to begin a doctor/hospital reprieve. Please pray that her spirit will be buoyed up in the Lord. Pray, too, for the doctors to find out what they need to find, and for Biz to get the reprieve she's been longing for the past four months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking yesterday, without any reference to your family at the time, how God healed Brad's spirit from the stress and disappointment he went through in the medical world (I won't burden you with the details) He went through a time of great sadness and disappointment. But he is smiling and joking around and enjoying life again. God will give this grace to your dear Biz. I learned from many years of watching Brad's challenges that these dear ones have grace that we cannot see. Just believe it and count on it. God is giving her grace. I promise you that.

On a lighter note, all I remember about Rod Stewart is his raspy voice. I guess I wasn't paying much attention. I would rather see a pastor who is still in love with his wife than one who listens to Bill Gaither--any day!

Be assured of our prayers for you all. We will pray day and night as you come to mind.


Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...