Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Things to Thank Jesus For

That God is good no matter what we go through or the outcomes. I thank God that we don't put faith in our faith (as so many charlatan preachers insist upon), but in our God, whom we can trust no matter the circumstance.
For my wife's insistence that something was not right about Biz's stuffy nose, despite the doctor's assurance that it was just allergies.
For Dr. Perkins, who, at a local doctors phone call, scheduled to see Biz the very next day and has fast-tracked this entire process.
For Dr. Moe, who has recently developed the procedure he will be using today which averted the need to cut away the jaw, cheek bone, and lower skull (He will actually cut behind the upper lip, behind her eye, and go through the nose--this was our first big answer to prayer).
That we live near one of the finest cancer research and pediatric care hospitals in the world, at this time of need in our lives. We could have been anywhere--who knew?
For a great recovery after yesterday's embolization. Biz was eating almost as soon as she woke up and got a great night of sleep last night.
For our good friends, the Silversteins, who have spoiled Biz (and us) beyond measure and who have opened their home to us--just 10 minutes from the hospital. This has been strengthening and encouraging. Fred is a retired doctor from this hospital system and helps us make sense of things.
For a good running car to get back and forth--our others are "questionable" (i.e. they're "island cars").
For special treatment and expressions of love from our church family and friends to Biz (and us). Lots of little gifts, and gift-giving is really meaningful to Biz.
For food and financial support of all kinds (money, ferry tickets, lunches and dinners, etc.).
For friends who have spread the word and maintained prayer support and networks.
For a day when maintaining communication like this is possible from a laptop in a waiting room. Imagine what that means for the advancements in medical technology.
More to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the answers to prayer, but mostly I thank You becaue You do indeed love us and hold us in Your arms. Thank You for Your love for Elizabeth and for the Daniels' family. Thank You that You have surrounded them with Your love. Thank You for the help Elizabeth is getting and for guiding the hands of the surgeons. In Jesus name. Amen

Shannon Bailey

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...