Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Update 2:15pm PDT

We've just been told that doctors have begun the reconstruction stage of surgery. That means two things: the tumor is out (!) and there are about 2 more hours to go.
Thank you for praying, and keep it up. Pray that her nausea will be kept to a minimum, as well as her pain, and that Dr. Moe, not only a specialist in skull base tumors but also a specialist in cranio-facial reconstruction, would be at peak performance even after so many hours of standing in the OR.


Kris said...

I know it isn't easy but thank you for the updates. We continue to pray.

alp2295 said...

Thanks for the update . . . we've been praying and will continue to do so. I'm SO glad to hear that the tumor is out!!

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...