Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


With a desire to help Tim and Deb in their communication efforts, I have set up this blog. This will be the place to come, for anyone who wants current information on Elizabeth's progress. For now, I (Andrea) will be posting updates. At some point Tim and Debbie may join in as well. For now, PLEASE be in prayer for this dear family. We are resting in His sovereignty and confident that He will be glorified.

Please feel free to post comments for Elizabeth and her family. They will be reading them and will be encouraged more than you can imagine!


Anonymous said...

Dear Daniels' Family,
John and I wanted you to know that our congregation in Costa Rica is praying for Elizabeth and family. tim your words a truly an inspiration to us. God Bless each and everyone of you. John and Lyn Bradley

Anonymous said...

Daniel's Family,
Wish we had some great words of wisdom but we don't. We just wanted to let you know that you have been in our prayers and will remain so. With love in Christ,
Carl and Nancy Johnson

Unknown said...

Dear Daniels Family,
Just wanted you to know that all your Florida family and our friends continue to lift you up in prayer. We're all so glad the surgery went well and pray for a complete and awesome recovery. Blessings to all of you,
Elaine & Stan

Anonymous said...

Hi Daniels,
This news comes to us just yesterday and follows on the heals of Francie and Joanna's visit there. Joel was wishing that he could have gone, he remembers Biz as his best friend from church. We are thankful for the GRACE being shown you and for your family's testimony. Biz is an inspiration to us all. We will pray for all of you to have Joy as you encounter these trials. Keep us and everyone abreast of your needs. That is what we are here for. We love you guys! Kenny Brown and Family

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...