Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What's Next . . .

Tomorrow (10/31) surgery is scheduled to start at 8:30 am. The goal is to remove the entire tumor. Surgery should take 4 hours if all goes well.

After talking to the doctor, here are some things that Debbie mentioned to be praying for:

-That they would be able to easily get to the edges of the tumor, and thus remove it entirely.
-That there would be no swelling in her eye.
-That they won't need to do a blood transfusion.
-That they won't need to shave her head.
-Right now Elizabeth is experiencing some numbness in her face. The doctor's have said that that usually goes away after a while . . . pray that that will be the case.

Right now Elizabeth is being amazingly brave and has been so encouraging to those around her. At a time when it would be so easy to be self-centered, she is thinking of others, wanting to see those around her come to Christ. She is also very encouraged by and thankful for the kindness and support she has been receiving from all around her.

Thank you for your prayers. I will keep you updated as I know more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so much faster than the regular mail - we are gld to have it so that we can let you know that we are praying for you daily, the kids are praying for you at meals, even just now as I folded laundry. Sharing your complete trust in Christ and who He is with others at such a time as this is quite a tall order for such a young girl. We are confident that He who is able will indeed provide you with all that you need!

May you find rest in Jesus today and all the days ahead. We will be in constant prayer for you on Wednesday.

Tim, Deb ~ praying for your peace, endurance and strength in the Lord. He is faithful, as we know.

Lydia, Connor, Sam ~ may you be great prayer warriors for Biz and may you have God's peace that goes beyond understanding during these coming days.

You are a special family. We love you and hold you close,
In Christ,
Bruce, Ger, Maddie, Alena, Lianna and Ethan

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...