Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Going to Bed

Biz is resting, Deb is sleeping on a fold out couch beside her, and I'm in a "sleeping closet," which is pretty much what it sounds like--a single bed in a closet on the 5th floor, with a lamp and an electrical outlet and no windows. You could fall asleep in here and never know when morning arrives. Given the events of this day, its a good thing I have a good alarm clock.
Good night, and thanks to everyone who has cared and prayed and loved and posted comments. And thank you, Jesus. You've done all of those, except post comments.
Today's surgery was only a battle in a war. It was a good battle, a victory, with prospects for success to follow, but Biz is still in need of prayer. We'll have radiation options to consider, constant follow-ups and check-ups, many incidental details to address. But for now, we've won a battle. We won't think about the other stuff today. We're going to bed.


alp2295 said...

Thanks for posting the pictures! I still imagine her as the little girl that was in my wedding : )

I hope you all had a good night's sleep and are reading to gace what today will bring.

Resting in His sovereignty,

Anonymous said...

It is great to have the specific details of what needs prayer this minute. God IS good and I can see His goodness through the Daniels. That is nothing new, but it is always renewing. Tim, give her back her ipod. I love you ALL.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tim for all the updates. It is great to be kept abreast of developments. We continue to keep Biz and the whole Daniels family in our thoughts and prayers. We are praying for a speedy recovery from the surgery and complete healing. Keep your chins up.

Anonymous said...

We're prayhing for you all, especially Biz...keep your spirits up and we'll see you all home soon.
Ken and Ruth

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...