Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The doctor said Deb and Biz could come home if her white blood cell count was at least 500, but didn't expect that it would be. After plenty of prayer, Biz's count hit 500--exactly. So they are now en route, and we are feverishly cleaning the house. Happy birthday, Sam!
We can't wait to see them.


Anonymous said...


Kris said...

Yippee! The family gets to be together for sam's birthday!! And it is raining so the baseball game will probably be canceled so the can all stay home and be a family. Sounds good to me. Happy 9th Birthday Sam. Love Kris

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord. He is faithful! Happy birthday Sam A birthday present that can't be duplicated.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU and PRAISE YOU LORD! We are so happy for you guys!
Love, The Holts : )

Anonymous said...

PS-Anyone else thinking that Sam may have be cultivating a spiritual gift of intercession here?? Snow...blood counts...We're thinking of giving him a few things off of our prayer list
: )

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Koshi for mentioning that - think I'll have a talk with Sam!

Anonymous said...

What better birthday gift for Sam than to have Mom and Biz home to share in the celebration..make that celebrations (with an S). So much to be thankful for. Welcome home Deb & Biz.

Linda & Wes

Anonymous said...

God is good! Happy Birthday Sam! Wish we would have known that yesterday when you were here we could have given you 10 or 11 early spanks to celebrate. Thanks for your visit. Hope your practice went well. Give your mom and Biz a hug for us. Congratulations for completing 3rd grade early. See you in about a month. God loves you and we love you too, the Byers

Anonymous said...

Have a great birthday celebration! We are all smiling with you.
The Denneys

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