Biz: great babysitter

Friday, May 2, 2008

Remember Biz today

Thank you for all your prayers on behalf of our daughter. Please remember Biz today as this is her first day of actual chemotherapy. Pray that the only side-effects she experiences are those that are necessary for her healing.


Anonymous said...

Prayers are being said.........God is with you always.

Anonymous said...

i'm praying now.

Anonymous said...

Dear Daniels family. We are praying for Biz and your whole family. We also look forward to meeting you this June when we will be staying at your friend and neighbor Roxanne's place. Our daughter is a horse lover as well and is anxious to meet Biz and learn the ropes from her.

May God work out his perfect will in your lives, and may you be the shining lights that He has called us all to be; especially in the darkest times.


Anonymous said...

I am not a very mystical Christian. I don't tell tales of visions or of seeing angels. But I have to tell you what happened with Brad when he was in the hospital recovering from a very major surgery. He was having a procedure done in his room and he was awake. It was so disturbing that I had to step outside the door, I coulnd't handle it. When the nurse came out, who was not a believer, she was wide-eyed and looked astonished. She said, "Brad was saying, "I see the Lord! I see the Lord!" Did Brad see an angel? I can't say for sure, but I am inclined to think that indeed he did. And I know for sure that angels surround the beds of these dear ones who are in the hospital. That I can say with confidence. Biz will be surrounded by God's Holy Ones and have grace that we cannot see.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...