Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bonus Day

As my friend, Anne, said this morning when she called me (Debbie) at home, I feel like I'm cheating the system. Yesterday, when Biz was having her kidney test done, the doctor came in and said the results from the test would not be back in time to start treatment on Thursday, so they were changing the first treatment to Friday. Biz lit up and asked if we could go home for a day. I told her I'd think about it. Four or more hours to get home and then another four or more to get back, in order to spend less than 20 hours at home, 8 of which we'd spend sleeping did not sound like it was worth it. As I was thinking about this, in the providence of God, Tim called. He was just calling to tell me that since our visits home were going to be so brief we should fly instead of taking the ferry. Aha!!! I hung up and Biz and I decided we'd fly home and surprise Tim and the kids. A 45 minute trip each way instead of 4 hours. I should have had the video camera with me when Biz and I drove up to the baseball field where Tim was practicing baseball with the boys (we borrowed the church van when we got onto the island). He was completely shocked and completely thrilled. So, we are thanking God for a bonus day! Biz is spending the day at the Ranch with the horses she loves so much and her sweet friend Roxanne, and I am at home doing school with the boys, and the 4 loads of laundry that have already piled up in the 2 days since I've been gone, and loving it. Once again, thank you for your prayers, having a day at home when you didn't think you'd be back for another two and a half weeks means more to us than you can imagine. I know that days like this are totally a gift from a gracious God, who loves to surprise us with good things, and I also believe they are the direct result of His answer to your prayers for us. Thanks, Debbie


alp2295 said...

That is awesome! I hope you are blessed with many more of those days . . . even if you do end up doing laundry : )

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Debbie, for reminding me to be ever so grateful for everyday life with my family. My heart rejoices to think of Biz being with the horses (and, of course, her family :) )

Anonymous said...

Glad you got to surprise Tim. Have a wonderful time together!

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...