Biz: great babysitter

Friday, May 9, 2008

Concerning Sam

Tuesday will be Sam's 9th birthday. That's also the day when they next check Biz's white blood cell count. If her count is above 500, she and Deb get to come home, which would be an answer not only to Biz's and Deb's prayers, but also to Sam's. Dr. Johnson is not optimistic about that prospect, but we'd sure appreciate it if you would pray with us toward that end.
Since Deb checks the blog from Seattle, I think I'll include some pictures to help her remember the rest of us. Here's Sam at 2nd base.
And here he is...well...after his sisters got done with him.


Anonymous said...

What were those girls thinking???

Anonymous said...



Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...