Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Times when you can eat what you want

Deb thinks they've found the medication that works. Biz was able to eat some ham and about a half a jar of pickles! Hearing this brought back memories of running out to Steak n' Shake at midnight (several times) because my pregnant wife had a taste for one of their chocolate shakes and some french fries. When they haven't eaten all day you just don't argue with the menu selection.


alp2295 said...

Awesome! I understand deeply and thoroughly what constant nausea is like . . . their names are now Ali, Emma, Meg and Julie. It's amazing how debilitating that really can be, and how exciting it is when you're "willing to eat" filet mignon (or whatever really yummy food that anyone in their right mind would love to have.) I am so thankful that Biz is feeling some relief. I hope these meds can continue to provide that relief. And Deb- it must be so exciting to watch Biz eat and see her experiencing that relief.

Praising our faithful God - who has even provided anti-nausea meds!

Anonymous said...

Thanking God for 'pigs and pickles', and also for you. Keep it up Biz (or should I say down). God bless and protect each of you as you go through your day.
Love and prayers,
Roger and Donna

Anonymous said...

Hooray for small victories! We will pray that this continues to work for you. Let us know if you get a craving for shrimp chips or dried jackfruit!
The Denneys

Anonymous said...

I always wondered why pregnant women wanted pickles, but maybe it's that the salt is what they crave. I always preferred saltines! But we are grateful for the answer to prayer that Biz is eating and keeping it down.

Anonymous said...

Wes & I say "ditto" to all of todays comments. We're delighted to hear that Biz is eating again.
We're continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Hope this message "sends". I've tried numerous times and haven't been successful yet. We'll see what happens.

Linda & Wes

Anonymous said...

Hooray, it worked!
You'll be hearing from us again and we want you to know we're missing you out here at the Cape.


Tim Daniels said...

Thanks Linda! We'd rather be there at the Cape too, and are glad to hear that we are missed. Although, we are in good hands and have great Cape companionship here at the Silverstein's. They have shown us overwhelming kindness.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...