Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sick and Tired

Connor, Sam, and I returned this morning from a 24 hour visit with Deb and Biz. They're staying for a few days with the Kazens, who have a beautiful spot right on Lake Washington--with a dock. Sam was lamenting that we "forgot" our swimsuits. I felt just terrible about that...what with the temperatures hovering around the upper-fifties. It's odd that the girls didn't ask me to bring theirs.
Biz is really feeling lousy and Deb is feeling "mother-watching-child-suffer" stress. The pharmacist at Children's Hospital armed them with six different anti-nausea medications and their job is--by trial and error--to find out which one works for Biz. A friend who went through this herself said that when they get it figured out, it may work for a while and then change to another. So Biz has become a walking science experiment, and when she can least stand it, but it's what must be done. The nausea must subside to the point that she can keep her food down or they'll have to insert a feeding tube and give her IV fluids. Biz, like her mother, is not fond of medications. She said these ones make her feel strange, which is apparently a condition worse than nauseous. I think I'd have a more pragmatic (Deb would say, wimpy) approach: "Just give me one of each and something in there will do the trick. Oh, and what's my name?"
If you've ever felt so nauseous that the thought of food makes you sick, you know how to pray for Biz. If you ever watched your child suffer when there was nothing you could do about it, you'll know how to pray for Deb.


Anonymous said...

i've had mild forms of the 'thought of food makes me nauseous' in a little way i know how to pray for that. Deb -- never been there or anywhere close but my prayers are with you regardless.

Anonymous said...

28 yrs ago I had to set back and watch my son go through skin grafting from a bad burn. I felt so helpless. On the way to the hospital we sang the old chorus "Safe am I" over and over again. It was a real comfort to me to know that no matter what happened he was "Safe in the Masters hand." You are in the same position knowing you can do nothing but also knowing she is "Safe in the Masters Hand"
Praying for you

Anonymous said...

I guess the only time I have really felt that helplessness when a child was sick was this past winter when Abby was sick and away at school. There wasn't a lot I could do so far away (yes, a ferry ride and a 2 hour drive is far away) and it was hard. We did a lot of praying.

I watched my brother go through chemo - it was very difficult. My girls were young at the time and he scared them with his bald head! God was with him through it all.

Are you still knitting?

We love you and are praying for you.

Anonymous said...

So, I hit enter when I shouldn't have - the above comment is mine.

Anonymous said...

Biz, I can definitely relate to you feeling miserable. Since I was younger than you, 100 years ago, I've been very susceptible to motion sickness....anything that moved that I was on, made me nauseous. However, I think you might have it worse than I did and often still do. I know how it feels and I know how to pray for you so please remember that we continue to pray often. Debbi, you're not helpless. More than you know Biz needs and relies on your presence, but, every mom wants to make things all better and I know that's where your heart is too. So, our prayers are certainly with you too. We'll ask our Lord to let you feel His arms around you and know His presence.
We love you,
Rich and Lona

Anonymous said...

I can some what relate. Driving 10hrs through the night to be at Jessica's bed side when she was hospitalized this past year. And now trying to comfort her during a very hard and lonely time of her life. You just want to wrap your arms around them and take in all away. Praying for you. Love you.

Anonymous said...

There isn't much that I can do,

But I can sit an hour with you,

And I can share a story with you,

And sometimes share reverses, too,

As on our way we go.

It was just a few days ago that we were standing in our kitchen talking with Tim after dinner and I felt how good it was to just talk about economics and logic and be adults with hypothetical solutions to the world's problems (besides a good God sized revival). Now I'm just praying for a meal without nausea for Biz and the sweet comfort that will come when that happens. Oh, the contrasts each day can bring, from complex to simple and everywhere in between...but we have an unchanging God who is in every situation and reigns supreme!
Lots of love, the Browns

Anonymous said...

The best advise (and old wives remedy) is to have ginger. Any form of ginger helps nausea (ginger ale, ginger biscuits, ginger pop). Ginger settles the tummy and conteracts nausea.

I hope Biz feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

The advice about ginger is accurate as is the use of peppermint--tea, drops, sticks. I know how awful it is for you, Biz, but I wish that I would feel so nauseated at the sight and smell of food that I would be unable to eat--as a means of losing some weight! Really, you are in our thoughts and praers continually as are your parents and sibs. We hope you will be able to catch up with the ice cream man today and that you will be able to enjoy one of his confections. Bourlands

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Tim, David and I went through a very hard time when our youngest daugher Dianne was between the ages of 11 to 13. We did not know during that time what was wrong with her. We could just see her getting sicker and sicker and doctors could not come up with anything. Finally she was diagnosised (2 yrs later)with Addisons disease which is very treatable. That was a lot of stress for mom and dad. A scripture that meant a lot to us was Isaiah 42:16. "I will lead you down a new path, guiding you along an unfamiliar way. I will make the darkness bright before you and smooth out the road ahead of you. Yes indeed I will do these things, I will NOT FORSAKE YOU". That is our prayer for you two and Biz. In Christ, David and Helen

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...