Biz: great babysitter

Saturday, May 3, 2008


The first day of chemotherapy went well. When I talked to them, Biz was feeling just fine. I know the effects of chemotherapy are cumulative, but it was reassuring to know that she started out well. The process of applying the medicine takes three days--Biz gets the three medicines for about 5 hours followed by several more hours of IV fluids just to flush it out of her kidneys. They will be done with this first round by 9:00pm Sunday.
Their greatest disappointment came when they were able to take a walk after Biz's chemo. They came out to a courtyard that we had never found before. It had a gate that opened onto a small street and, they could hear the familiar sound of the obnoxious tune blaring from the truck of THE ICE CREAM MAN! Deb grabbed some money and, while Biz waited at the gate, ran to flag down the ice cream man. Never mind that the hospital will give Biz all the ice cream she wants, there is something different about a Good Humor bar straight from the truck. But it was not to be. The truck had passed and was on its way to other expectant children (and child-like adults). My prayer is that this would be their greatest disappointment in the entire regimen.
Now they have a mission. They plan to wait at the gate at about 4:30pm every afternoon in hope that they can catch the ice cream man. I'll keep you posted...


Anonymous said...

Oh, YES!! YES!! May this be by far the biggest disappointment! Our Bible study group is also praying for Biz and complete healing for her and encouragement for all of you. You know you are all in the best, safest, most wonderful loving hands ever, those belonging to our Lord Jesus Christ!
We love you,
Rich and Lona

Tim Daniels said...

It really wasn't that big of a dissappointment. It was actually kind of fun and a good diversion. The other diversion for Biz is riding her IV pole down the slopes of the hospital corridors. Although it is fun for Biz, it gives me a heart attack, I keep expecting her to wipe out. I can just picture both her and the cart toppling over and the IV tubes ripping out of her port. She assures me this will never happen.
Our roommate has a laptop here so they have graciously let me use it. I can only post a comment on it though, and not update the blog page. Biz is still feeling really well today and is still eating like a typical teenager.
Debbie and Biz

alp2295 said...

I love it! I can just imagine Biz riding her IV pole.

May you catch the ice cream truck soon, not have a heart attack and enjoy some fun mother-daughter time that you might have otherwise missed out on due to the demands the crop up so quickly at home.

I'm so glad to hear that Biz is feeling well thus far! I'll be praying that that continues.

Love to all of you!


Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...