Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, November 1, 2007


It is Thursday, almost 1:oo p.m. and Biz is once again sleeping. She is still in ICU, but only for monitoring and with prospects of moving to a regular room soon:) When the doctors came in this morning and saw her charts from the night, they were completely amazed. Their exact word was "remarkable". She went through the night with only Tylenol as a pain reliever, no anti-nausea medications, and the ability to track with her left eye. It is very painful for her to open her left eye, and it is quite swollen, but she really has been remarkable in her efforts to do whatever the doctors ask her to do, even when it hurts. We are so grateful to all of you that are so diligently praying for her, we can definitely see God working and giving her grace beyond measure. Keep praying for us, we are extremely tired, and have not gotten very good sleep here at the hospital. Thank you, Debbie (Psalm 119:92)


Anonymous said...

We will begin praying for a good night's sleep for you. Your mother told me how you are (and her, too) when you have not slept. Hang in there girl - God is still in control! -Elaine

Anonymous said...

Deb, Tim and Family,
Please be encouraged with this news: The conversations, prayer groups, joy and sorrow about Biz's battle have unified so many and knit us together in the sweetest way over the last weeks and days of Biz's treatment. As you persevere with this crisis, islanders are going prayer crazy! and pulling together spiritually with hearts renewed with tender love for you, for God, for one another and for our own precious children. A worthy battle! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to encourage you by telling you that my friends and professors here at SPU have been praying too.
I love y'all!

Anonymous said...

Hi my sweet Daniels family, I almost cried when I saw those sweet pictures of our Biz. Even though I had seen them before. :) I am praying for you and trusting that God is showing his strength like never before. You and Tim are such example for all of us to follow. We can all see and hear the love you have for God-watching you trust Biz into his hand and see Him perform a miracle before our eyes. Like I have said a hundred times before, I wish I was there to hug you and give Biz a kiss on her nose. Until then, know that I am praying and believing with you.

Anonymous said...

Tim and Deb,
Praying for you all throughout these days; thanks for letting us know specifics about what to pray for.
Know that God has used your updates to teach and encourage and convict. Thank you for sharing your hearts even amidst this grueling struggle.
Much love,
Julie Moss

Anonymous said...

Praising God from Thailand for such a good report. I shared about Elizabeth with a young lady who works at our house, and she was very touched by your story. She took it as a prayer request to her Thai church Wed. evening cell group. That translates into Wed. morning your time, so the nations were praying. God answers. Amen!

Anonymous said...

Tim, Debbie and Elizabeth,
Wanted you to know we've been praying for you all along and especially these past few days. God is SO good to hear and answer our prayers. Praise Jesus for paving the way for us to go into our Father's presence and plead for your sweet Biz. I know He's hearing prayers from all around the country and even overseas (Doug, Hilda and family are praying in Holland) and I believe it gives Him great joy to hear and answer our prayers.
We love you dearly,
Rich and Lona

Anonymous said...

Our son Bradley has had 20 surgergies. A year and a half ago, he had such a long and hard surgery that he fell into a coma on our living room floor when he returned home from the hospital. It was nearly sure that he would either die or have brain damage. We gave him to the Lord. Twenty-four hours later he opened his eyes and began communicating. He is now completely fine, using a walker (having used a wheelchair most of his life), and I always feel amazed at how God showed how very in-control he is! Yet, my husband Mike and I know well the agony of watching a child go through what they must go through in these situations, and no amount of faith can erase that pain from a parent's heart. Yet, as Tim and Debbie are experiencing, God is there. His presence and grace show up in a thousand ways during each day. I rest in that. I know that God is giving the Daniels His sustaining grace. And Biz has very special grace. I rest in that as well. Dear Lord, be ever so good to this family. Amen.

Bev Linder

Anonymous said...

Our prayers continue to be with Biz and your family. The Lord's healing hand is on her.
In Christ,

Jim Cole and the CTK Gang

Anonymous said...

Hi again guys,
I remember when Biz was little and Deb had just taught her the word "cranium." Soon after, as they were getting in the van, Biz fell out head first onto the driveway. Deb (wise mama teaching her girl to be strong) did not freak out, but instead lovingly said, "shucks Biz, you took a nose dive." And Biz replied with, (sniff, sniff) "no, mom, I took a cranium dive."
It's a good thing you're tough Biz.
I hope I can teach my kids to be just as strong and brave as you.
Praying for some good stretches of sleep for all of you tonight.
Julie Moss

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, we miss your smiling face! Know that we are all thinking and praying for you - and all your family. I am forever grateful that all has gone so well. Words can never express my deep feelings- you are a very special girl. God is truly looking over you. Soon you will be back again, playing with all the horses and ponies! I love and miss you. - Roxanne - Horseshu Ranch

Anonymous said...

I went to bed thinking about you, Tim and Debbie, and I woke up singing a hymn that I hadn't even thought of for years! The stanza I was singing was this (almost in my sleep):

That soul though all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never, no never, no never forsake.

Take walks together and sing hymns. It is a powerful defense.


Anonymous said...

Dave and Elaine have shared with us your trial. We have been praying here in Portland. Until 2000 we were islanders and attended ICC but left before you arived. God still ties his people together.Glad to hear the good report
Barb L

Anonymous said...

Hey Daniels Fam,
I just wanted to let yall know I have been praying for your family and Biz. Its so awesome to see how you have been handling this hard situation by putting your complete trust in the Lord. I miss you all and love you! Give Biz a big hug for me. God's provision is amazing!

Janie Hayward

alp2295 said...

I'm so glad to hear that recovery is starting out so well!

It has been so awesome to see the people of NCC huddling around you all, even from half way across the country.

God has already used your family in such an amazing way - just looking at MY kids (who don't even know you) they have no idea how much Tim and Debbie Daniels they see every day! : ) I'm so thankful for that! (And they will be someday too!) It's mindboggling to see how far reaching your ministry has been, because it has pleased God to use you in that way. In less than 3 days there have been over 500 hits to this blog, from all over the country (and even beyond that!) - talk about storming the gates! I'm so thankful to be able to come to Him on your behalf, excited to see how He will use you and confident that you rest in His sovereign hands.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim and Debbie, I hope you were able to rest last night. We are contining to pray for all of you. As we pray for Biz in the area's that you have ask us to, Nicholas continues to pray,"thank you God for healing Biz and her tumor." As only a child can put it...thank you God for healing her!!! We will be away for the weekend, but we will be praying as we go and will check on you when we get back. I love you guys and I am asking the Lord to show his mercy and grace on all of you today. Biz will have her surprise packet when she gets home. :) Believing and praying as I close, DeLyn

Anonymous said...

Our computer is finally letting us access this page! Yet another note just to let you know that you are so loved and our prayers have been constant for you all. Thank you for letting us know how to pray, and helping US get through this, having you so far away : ) You should know - it has been overwhelming to witness the lives you have touched -- in your neighborhood and all over the island. The outpouring of love and the desire of so many insistent on discovering some way - any way - to be a blessing to your family moves me with each and every phone call. I hope this is an encouragement to you - it has been to us - the effect that even one family serving Christ whole heartedly - can have on our island. We are so looking forward to having you back home with all of us. With much love, The Holts

Anonymous said...

Tim,Deb,Widia,Biz,Conu,and Sam,

I thank God daily that I have a family of brothers and sisters that will pray for me without reservation. All of you have that benefit as well being part of the kingdom that we serve in. Biz, I see children like you in the hospitals I work in every day and I am amazed that all of you have such smiles on your face during troubled times. Your ordeal has helped me in my faith and walk with Christ. Biz, thankyou for your example to me of what true faith at work is veiwed as.

I love all of you very much.

Jay Goodman

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...