Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Update 4:45pm PDT

Biz is out of surgery and she looks beautiful! They did not have to drop the upper jaw (YEAH!) and only one spot of the bone appeared to have any tumor. This was reconstructed with a titanium/plastic material and both doctors were quite impressed with how well it went. They had to cut one of the muscles controlling eye movement in order to do this, and double vision may result. Normally the brain compensates for this (an amazing Creator) but we'd rather not have it at all. There will be a need for radiation, as expected, and because this will impact the eye we need wisdom as we consider the options. So please pray for everything eye-related.
She is sleeping.


Family of Kitchen said...

We really appreciate the updates. God is with you and He was definitely with the doctors today. We have a great God! We'll continue to hold you all up in prayer.

Anonymous said...

Celebrating with you all! I will continue to pray as the next steps are considered and decided upon. Our Devo' leader team has been keeping you in prayer all day. May God grant you all deep sleep tonight.

alp2295 said...

I'm so thankful that everything went well! What a relief. We'll still be praying for eye details and a good night's rest.

Bruce & Geralyn Keller said...

Ger and I wish we could be there to lift you up in person. Rest assured, though, our prayers for Biz have been relentless over the past weeks. We know beyond doubt that you are no less in the safe hand of God today than you were before her ordeal began. His ways are P-E-R-F-E-C-T, and far better than any we could craft in our own "wisdom". Tim, my personal prayer for you is that you will be a faithful representative of that truth in every word, decision, thought and deed. Keep the Faith!
In His Love and For His Sake, Bruce

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord; God is so good! You've been in our thoughts and prayers and will
continue to be so. Thank you, Tim, for your reflections, in them you brought us near to
you in spirit. You are a witness to the care of our loving Father, who is ever so close.
ha charis tou kuriou Iesou christou meta tou pneumatas hemon. Love in Jesus, Scott and
Debbie <><

Anonymous said...

Tim, Debbie & Biz,
Our Lord is quite the miracle worker! He continues to answer prayers - amazing! We are excited to hear of the success of the day. I am amazed to read Tim's comments throughout the day. I know you must be exhausted, and here the Lord is speaking through you to magnify his greatness. You, Tim & Debbie and your family are such a great reflection of what the Lord requires of us. In the dark shadows, you are witnessing the Lord and praising him - Amen! May the Lord continue to hold you close and answer our prayers for you through this trial.
Craig & Jodi

Gary and Margo said...

Tim and Debbie,
What a day you have had. We are rejoicing with you that Biz has come safely through the surgery and is sleeping. Now you two get some sleep and God bless you as you rest in his love. We love you and have kept you in our prayers all day long.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...