Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Management Problems

I just spoke with Biz and she is in the dialysis area of Children's Hospital awaiting her kidney test. In some ways, the kids and parents in that wing find themselves under a greater test of perseverance than we have known, as they must show up several times a week for several hours a day--indefinitely. Biz will only have to be there occasionally over the next few months to assure that the chemotherapy is not having a deleterious effect on her kidneys.
As I try to come up with a "home efficiency plan" I appreciate even more all that my wife does. It seems so natural for her, but for me...well...I forgot to buy toilet paper. It's called "crisis management" when I'm in charge of the homestead--anything but efficiency.
For some reason I'm less prepared for this round of treatment. I think we gave it more planning time when Deb and Biz went to Houston. There's also a lot more "spontaneity" about doctor's appointments and timing because we are "so close." Not to worry...we're like runners stumbling out of the gate. We'll have to run a little harder until we're back in the race.
We set up the table in my office again where the boys can do their school work. This may be one of the least convenient aspects of my wife's absence, but it's also one of my favorite. I like to watch the boys learning. Hopefully, when my wife gets back, their education will be none the worse for wear.


Anonymous said...

At least there is plenty of toilet paper where you work!! I am once again reminded of how 'different' men are when it comes to the domestic side of life. I sent David to the pantry last night to get something - it wasn't there! Of course when I went to get it - it was there!!! Now how can that be??? I know it moved when no one was looking - must be.

Deb - my mother-in-law used that same dishcloth pattern to make a pillow - just kept adding stitches. You or Biz could use some of those small balls of yarn and make an interesting pillow. Happy knitting while you wait.

Tim - you used 'another' one of those words I had to look up. Congrats! Keeps my brain working.

Keeping the prayers going for your perseverance.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading a book called Anxiety Attacked, by John MacArthur. Actually, I have read it several times, all but this time, during pretty intense trials. But I ran across something I underlined that I remember set me so free and I will quote it to you (Refering to I Peter 5:6):"At the proper time God will exult us. Paul used a Greek term that speaks of lifting us out of our present trouble. For the Christian, even the worst trial is only temporary. Remember that, for you will be tempted to conclude that because there is no end in sight, there is no end at all. Don't believe it for a mintue. God promises to lift you out."

My copy of the book has curly pages because one of the times I read it, I dropped it in the bathtub. (oops!) But if you would like me to send you a copy, I would get you one with straight pages!


Anonymous said...


Wherever our adversity is, He is. Wherever He is there is infinite provision, in things both small and big. We'll be praying hard for Biz's treatments........AND the MaCheeSauMe.

We love you all,

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll just share a part of a poem with you each time I read your blog....

There isn't much that I can do,
But I can share my bread with you,
And I can share my joy with you,
And sometimes share a sorrow too
As on our way we go.

Sometimes we feel like we can't do anything to help, but we can in simple ways...We'll discuss dinner later!
Kris, Dave and the boys..

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...