Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Everyday (and another Hat Award)

Last night I asked Biz how she was feeling. She said, "I feel good now, but it just comes and goes." That's everyday--for at least the first week after treatment. Nevertheless, Biz's spirits are up and you can see the "fight" in her. I ran into Kris Phillips at the grocery store yesterday and she remarked about how encouraged she was by Biz's sense of humor (they had spoken earlier in the day).
At this point Biz's blood cell count will start to decline. Though the nausea is subsiding (yeah!), any sickness for the next week or so is serious. I thank the Lord that we don't also have to fight a deflated spirit.

On a lighter note, hats continue to come in. Such variety--some make Deb jealous, some make Lydia jealous. Here's one that made Connor jealous. I'm giving it the "3:10 to Yuma" Award. You'll notice our model's resemblance to Russel Crowe! (This is a pre-head shaving photo). The award for this fine head covering goes to Don and B.J. Craddock of Cape San Juan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Daniels family. I love all the pictures. Kelly said you had better get a tan on your head before you two go fishing again. We are praying with you looking for the number 500 to come soon. Tell all we love them and will talk to Debbie soon.
Love the Sanders
P. S. Tell Biz we need a new picture of her and Garrett. As of yestereday he is now one year old!!! :)

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...