Biz: great babysitter

Friday, May 23, 2008

Rough night, prayer needed

Last night was a rough night for Biz. The chemo makes her pretty sick and the anti-nausea medication wasn't very effective. I just talked to Deb and she said Biz is sleeping and feeling a little better, but Deb sure covets everyone's prayers for our daughter's well-being and strength.


Anonymous said...

Prayers going up. God is with you.

We love YOU!!!

Gary and Margo said...

Gary and I just bowed our heads in prayer to a loving Heavenly Father who cares so tenderly for His Children. We are trusting God for relief from the nausea and peace and rest for all of you.
We love you,

Anonymous said...

Debbie, even though you are there with Biz by yourself, remember that you have many friends who are in the background praying for both of you. Right now my prayer is that the nausea will not return and you both will get a good night's sleep.

I'm sure those photos of those bald-headed "brutes" brought a smile to your faces and a chuckle to your hearts.
Love you much,
Linda & Wes

Kris said...

Deb, Stretch and Place your Right hand on your left shoulder blade, Place your left hand on your right shoulder blade...close your eyes and squeeze!!!! I am giving you a big hug.... as are many other people who feel helpless and are wanting to be there for you. Prayers for comfort and no nausea tonight. We love you and Biz. Love Kris and steve

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...