Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Round Two

Biz's second round of chemotherapy begins today. Please pray for its effectiveness, for Biz's optimism and strength, and please pray against nausea or potential illnesses from her depleted blood counts. It will also help if you will pray for Deb's wisdom and spirit as she supports Biz through it, and for the rest of us as we're apart.

In pursuit of victory, players in the National Hockey League have a "good luck" tradition not to shave during the playoffs. In the same spirit of optimism, I (Tim) have adopted a new look for the remainder of Biz's chemo treatments--in pursuit of victory:

This was a challenge for me, as my scalp has never seen the light of day. The bright white skin makes my head look like a light bulb and will until it "tans-up" a bit. It was also a challenge for Sam, who tried to talk me out of it (Connor ran the clippers) and was too embarrassed to go into the grocery store with me afterward. Just when I was beginning to think I had made a mistake one of the kids on Sam's Little League team (we had a game yesterday) gave me the encouragement I needed: "Coach, you look good bald." Thanks, Julian.

Later that evening, a group of guys who all want to be a part of Biz's support team heading into this "playoff round" met at the Posenjak's house and you can see the results. This was one of the most entertaining nights I've spent in a long time:
Kirk and Peter Holt.

Brian Lambright

Brandon, Ryan, and Adam Allen (father David was also "groomed" but I don't have a photo. I know that Dave will be disappointed).

Bryan and Dylan Posenjak

Oh, and one more, Mom:

The final results looked like this:


Anonymous said...

Words fail me...

Anonymous said...

You guys ROCK!! What a picture! Love you all, but especially Tim!!!

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe it!! How wonderful to support Biz this way. Now next time you all see her, I hope she has her beautiful thick head of hair still!! (and you don't) Sean Connery you ain't but that's okay. No girl ever had such loyal and enthusiastic cheer leaders.
We'll continue to pray as you requested. Thanks for specifics.
Love you,
Rich and Lona
P.S. Sure wish we could bring dinner to you this evening, Tim.

Anonymous said...

You're such a great writer, Tim. I have not laughed that hard in a while. As I already told you, I am really glad you guys all had fun "doing each other's hair" We girls have been doing that since we were 6 : )
Biz, we really love you. You too, Debbie. We are praying you home again soon(er than expected!).
Much love,
The Holt clan

The Posenjak's said...

Hi girls, the boys had a great time being able to show how much they are willing to be small part of this journey with you. Hope you had a great laugh to. We love you and will see you soon. love the Posenjak's

Kris said...

I'm so glad the guys did the hair thing. It has been on my mind to consider shaving my head. Could I?
I love you Biz, and if I could do anything for you to help you through this I would. Your request is my command. I pray for your spirit to be light and your body to be healed. God loves His children, He will and has prevailed. Hugs to Biz and Deb. Gratitude to the Magnificent Dozen. With much love, Kris

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...