Biz: great babysitter

Monday, November 12, 2007

Another chapter

Although we've been dealing with cancer, today marked Biz's first actual set of appointments in the oncology department. For me, this gave the waiting room a very different feel because you knew that every child there was in a "life or death" medical struggle. Otolarangology, where we've spent most of our time until now, addresses all types of ear, nose, and throat problems, and not all of them serious; ICU was intense, but moving toward recovery; oncology, on the other hand, was quiet, and patient, and deep. I didn't know whether to smile or cry when a boy around 8 or 9 entered the waiting room, all of his hair gone because of chemotherapy, followed by his dad, who had shaved his own head in love and support. Then there was the tenderness of a healthy 13 year old boy holding his ill 11 year old sister's hand because he loved her and she was stronger for it. This is a sobering place, but somehow full of God's mercy.
We spent from about 10am to 5:30pm at the hospital, covering several appointments and a couple of medical tests/CT scans. The most difficult part of the day was a minor procedure that Dr. Perkins performed. He was going to schedule it as a surgical procedure on another day since Biz still had some discomfort in the area. Biz said, "I'd rather do it now. I don't want to come off island again." So, despite the pain, she sat rock-still while he did what he needed to do, without anesthesia. That allowed for an immediate CT scan, and other appointments, and it will also facilitate quicker healing.
We were still unable to meet with Dr. Douglas, the radiation oncologist, which we had very much wanted to do, but we must leave that to the Lord's timing. We are scheduled for that appointment one week from today. Other conversations have encouraged us that we will get the best, unbiased opinion from him, as well as his "clout" behind our care. He is apparently very well known nationally.
Please be in prayer about the decisions and plans we must make. Also give thanks to the Lord for the amazing recovery Biz has made so far. The swelling continues to diminish, and her spirits are up. Having been assured that she would have at least temporary double vision, the Lord has shown that He is not subject to prognosis. Biz was disappointed today by the assurance that radiation makes people feel ill. Pray that such would not be her experience.


Anonymous said...

Hello Daniels Family
Tim, as I read your blog this morning, all alone in an empty school, I was struck by a word you used - actually I wasn't struck, I was brought to tears. The word was "deep". What a word! May your family deepen their love, dependency, relationships - the list could go on and on. God is "deep"! His love and mercy are "deeper" than we can fathom. Because of your use of this word - I will be able to deepen the meaning behind my teaching to the hundreds of students I see today. Thoughtfully, Prayerfully, and with much love. Darrin

Anonymous said...

Hello Daniels Family,

I want to let you all know that your family are being lifted up in prayer even here in Costa Rica. In English and in Spanish. Perhaps maybe in German too. Yet the language that we pray in isn't important.

It is encouraging for me to see you write Praise the Lord, even though you have gone through such a struggle.

YES! PRAISE THE LORD! for all the improvements.

God bless you always,
with love, Chandra

Anonymous said...

Such bravery! May the Lord keep you all courageous in His strength and wrapped in His love and mercy.

We will pray for the Lord to orchestrate your next steps with doctors and treatment.

The Saxes

Anonymous said...

Hello Daniels Family:
Thanks to the Kitchens, we found your blog at the beginning, and have been able to follow your thoughts and trials, Biz's journey of treatment and amazing healings, and join our prayers with those of the hundreds or perhaps even thousands of Christians around the globe. We've never been blog people, but have come to believe that yours has to be one of the best. Thank you Tim and Debbie for sharing your innermost selves with us all.
Chuck and Judy (Key West)

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...