Biz: great babysitter

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Home Sweet Home

We're at home.
Biz has been remarkably light-hearted and unconcerned about her swollen face--I think I've witnessed about 5 years of maturing in just under a month. When asked if she'd be ready for church tomorrow, she just said, "Yeah, I think I'll feel good enough." She has had a bright smile on her face all day.
It was a delight to rejoin the rest of the family. We did all the normal stuff--play PlayStation, eat dinner, have devotions together, and give thanks to the Lord for friends and family whose love has made these days the maturing, encouraging, hope-giving, focusing, deepening days they have been. Not that our prayers may slacken; there's still much to do, but also much evidence of the love of God upon which we can hold. I feel sorry for Job, who did not have such a benefit in trials. Yet in the end he had one great confession: "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you."
I thank God for my family and our home. I thank God for growing my children, and especially Biz, in their trust in Him.
I could (and will) say more, but right now everyone is in their own beds, and we have a great God to worship tomorrow. Time to sleep.


Anonymous said...

May we all continue to praise and thank God for what He has done!! I pray that you all rest very well tonight. --Elaine

Anonymous said...

We have just gotten home and we all wanted to get to the computer so we could get the update on our sweet Biz. We are praising the Lord with you and thanking Him for his grace and mercy that gives us each day.

"Thank you Lord for hearing our prayings and being so quick to answer them. We are quick to give you all the praise. Amen."

I pray all of you are resting well at home. We will continue to be praying for you and looking for the updates that you give us. Tim, you are so encouraging to me to read what you write. God is truly working through all of you.

Give Biz, Lid, Connor and Sam all a kiss on their noses from me!!!
Praying and Believing with you as I close. Love to all.

alp2295 said...

I'm so glad you're all back home and able to enjoy the fun of everyday life together. It must be so sweet!

Tim & Deb - I'm so thankful for the way God has been preparing your family for this for years now. Your diligence in training your kids is showing yet another benefit and is challenging to Aaron and I as well. I long for the day when my teenage girls can walk through trials, depending on their Savior to see them through. Yet another encouragement to be purposeful in our parenting. Your faithfulness is so encouraging to us. Keep it up : )

Still praying and trusting that He will see you through!

Anonymous said...

We came on later to your blog, but we're getting caught up and praying for you all. Thank you for your testimony of trusting the Lord! There is a purpose in this trial and the Lord found you worthy to endure it.

We have helped others with cancer, and learned a lot in the process. We will pray with you that you can find a natural treatment without the harmful effects of radiation or chemo. We do have recommended doctors if your interested (let us know). May the Lord lead you in truth and may your hearts not turn to fear but to God's infinite greatness.
May the Lord bless you all greatly. ...Saxes

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...