Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dare we even ask?

In our conversation with Dr. Perkins this week, he mentioned that when the tumor board met about Biz's treatment, there was some discussion about whether she even needed radiation at all. If this is true, it would be an amazing answer to prayer. In fact, it would be an answer to prayers I had not even prayed, as I never imagined this could be possible. Please pray about this as the Lord leads. Medical studies have shown a much lower rate of recurrence when surgery and radiation are used together than when just one or the other is used. We don't want to do less than the best, but we also don't want to do more than is necessary because there can be harmful side-effects to radiation.
We know that the Lord "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." We meet with Dr. Douglas, the radiation oncologist, on Monday the 19th and are seeking the Lord's guidance.


Anonymous said...

that's awesome
i've been praying alot, and i'll keep on praying that Biz'll get better and that she wont' need radiation

Anonymous said...

We are praying with and for Biz & your family as well (we have mutual friends in O'Donnell, TX, and that is how we found your blog and knew to pray for you). My hubby, age 45, had a cancerous tumor in his prostate and had his prostate removed 10/04/07. PRAISE further treatment is needed (his PSA = ZERO, one month after surgery), and we are praying the same for Biz!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Day! It might have been chilly, but what an absolute delight to see Biz riding her favorite pony named "Raisen" today! Honestly, it just made you feel warm inside to see her ride around so patiently on the little pony. It is simply a miracle to think of all that has happened in the last few weeks. Yes, God has been so good to us. I will go to bed tonight with a smile and thank him for bringing Biz back to the island so PERFECTLY!!
Roxanne - Horseshu Ranch

alp2295 said...

That would be so awesome! I know God can bring you through radiation, etc . . . but it would be so great if He chooses not to!

It's so humbling to see Him presenting possibilities that we never would have even thought to ask for. What a great God we serve!

Anonymous said...

This is how we have been praying and believing on the India
Sikkim and Bhutan side. ie no need for radiation please Lord.
Craig Denney

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...