Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We're dreaming of a warm Christmas...

Yesterday I awoke around 4:45am with a load of anxiety on my mind. I felt that the delay between surgery and radiation was going to be too long, I didn't know where we were to go, I didn't know where we would stay when we got there or how we'd get around, and the price of rentals for such an extended period was shocking! Philippians 4:6-7 came to mind, which says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." So I prayed for Biz's health, and every detail of this venture...and I was still anxious. So I prayed about it again...and again...and I was still anxious. So I prayed about that Scripture saying, "Lord, you said that if I came to you about these concerns you'd give me peace beyond understanding, and I'm not feeling very peaceful." Hearing no voice and feeling no change, I got up.
I left for work with a plan. I was going get online and email churches in Boston and in Houston, explaining our situation and waiting to see what the Lord brought about. When I sat down at my desk I opened my computer and before I could do anything further, the phone rang. It was from a couple in Houston (the Pogues), friends of a friend, who just wanted to let us know that they have two extra bedrooms upstairs, with a private bath and living room, and they would like to offer them for our use...more than that, they also have an extra car for us to use...more than that, he was able to get us airfare with Continental Airlines...
This morning, at 5:45am, the phone rang. It was MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. They want to see Elizabeth on Monday.

Today I realized that Philippians 4:6-7 never stipulates how or when the Lord would bring his peace, but I want you to know that my anxiety is gone. The Lord is so faithful, and will answer every just the time we need.

Please pray for our travel plans. Lord willing, Deb and I plan to "tag team" this trip...she'll stay with Biz for a couple of weeks, then I will, then she will. We plan to take the whole family down for Christmas. I think I'll bring some shorts, just for fun. Pray also for Biz. In many ways, this is the most dangerous part of her cancer treatment, with risks of short-term, long-term, and lifelong side-effects should radiation damage certain tissues (like her retina, optic nerve, tear ducts, and/or pituitary gland). Pray for God's protection of these important body parts, and the destruction of any remaining cancer cells. Pray also that he would both sustain and strengthen our family. It's a long time to be apart, and the kids will likely have to eat my cooking. Most of all, help me fulfill one stipulation from Philippians 4, "with thanksgiving." The Lord continues to bless us and answer our prayers more abundantly than we could ask or imagine.


alp2295 said...

I'm so glad that the details are all being worked out. It's so encouraging to see the ways that God is taking care of all of you, and growing you in the process.

I'm praying for you all, but also for the family you'll be staying with. I know that you will be a source of great blessing and encouragement to them, and I know that God will use them (as he already is) to demonstrate His great faithfulness!

Love to all of you,


Anonymous said...

I know that this has got to be one of the most difficult times of your lives. Thank you for sharing it with the Body. From it we are encouraged and in turn are learning how to encourage others.
As the Lord continues to give you peace and guidance and provision along this path, you are in our prayers, as we thank Him for His faithfulness.
Shannon Bailey

Anonymous said...

Tim & Deb & fam,
Praise the Lord for His answers! What a peace to know He has and will continue to go before you all. We will be praying for Biz and for this entire situation. God bless you all, Love, Carolyn S.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to be able to share with you Gods perfect plan for your lives and for Biz. What an encouragement to see God working out all the details to fulfiill His plan. Many years ago when I was facing a difficult medical time in my life I heard a sermon on the 23rd Psalm. God Makes us to lie down in green pastures. We dont do it volintarily and when we are lieing down we are facing up.We can not seem to do it on our own but with God all thngs are possible.
Thank you for continuing to share what God is doing in your lives.
Barb L.

Jason Alligood said...

Great news! Great God!

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you all, and thank God for His comprehensive, sovereign response to our prayers.

Looking upward,

Mark S.

DeLyn Sanders said...

Hey my sweet friends, I am finally back in the loop. I had passed alone this site to some of my friends so they could pray. I didn't realize that you were still updating us like you are. I found out by one of my friends sending it out to all of her prayer warriors and luckily including me!!!! Tim, I can't explain the way I feel when I read what you journal. Please be reminded one more time that everytime to sit to write, God is using you to minister, encourage and show His sovereinty through you. Your strength and honesty speaks much more than words!!!!

I am so thankful for how the Lord has answered all of our prayers thus far. He is such a good God. We will continue to pray for all of you and espically for complete healing and protection of our sweet Biz.

When you get on that plane to Houston, send precious Lid and my precious boys to Lubbock for me to have for a while. I mean that will my whole heart!!!!!!

I am praying and believing with you. I am so thankful that I am back on board. I have missed hearing from you. I have been praying all along!!

Give my love to all.

Anonymous said...

We are continuing to pray with Biz and the Daniels family. So grateful to God for the dear ones in Houston that will facilitate you. Continue to hear of how God is using this most difficult of times to draw people together in the way we need to be at all times.
So blessed with Biz,s strength and apparent divine rest and trust. Inspiring and devotional to all of us worrying types. Also thank you for your honest updates. We stick with your whole family and ICC in the place of prayers.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for Biz and your family. Go GOD!!! \o/ (I am a friend of DeLyn Sanders in O'Donnell.)

God's love & mine,

alp2295 said...

I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you all as you see Doctors today. I hope all goes well!

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...