Biz: great babysitter

Friday, November 2, 2007

Grace Administered

Deb has finally let me pull the overnight shift. The rooms at Children's Hospital each have a fold out couch that will accommodate one parent, and since Biz can now handle restroom and other such functions on her own, Deb can break away for a sorely-needed, uninterrupted night of sleep. We've had a "home base" at the Silverstein's for much of this process, just 10 minutes from the hospital, and it's a very comfortable place for all of us (in every sense of the term). More importantly, Biz is sleeping. We've moved out of ICU into the surgery recovery area where, instead of waking you up every 2 hours, they stretch it out to every 4 hours. If she gets a good night of sleep and is strong enough to walk around tomorrow (Biz was the first patient her nurse had ever had walk out of ICU, but it was tiring) we'll be coming home. I don't even care which ferry we catch.
A couple of lighthearted moments enriched the day. The first...a friend of hers from Mt. Vernon went trick-or-treating for Biz and brought the candy to the hospital. Among the goodies was a gummy eyeball (actually about 10 or 15 of them--must have been this year's hot item). So Deb took one out to the doctor who was in charge of the ICU and said, "This fell out, should I just put it back in?" Biz thought that was hilarious and it produced the first rolling laughter I've heard from her for some time.
The second comic relief...The nurse brought in a capsule of antibiotic--the type with a plastic-like shell that dissolves in your stomach, like Contact. Biz had never seen one of these before, so she took the top off and some of the powder spilled on to her thumb and finger. Not wanting to short-change Biz on the dosage, Deb said, "Don't worry about it; just lick it off." What neither of them expected was that the medicine tasted SO BAD that it triggered her gag reflex and Biz almost threw up on the spot. She rinsed her mouth repeatedly, tried bread and other food, anything to remove the taste that continued to agitate the gag reflex, and it just wouldn't go away. In the meantime Deb had put the capsule back together and handed it to Biz, telling her she needed to take the rest. Only after a few moments of parent-child tension did we all realize that Biz thought Deb was telling her to take the top back off and swallow the powder down, which Biz was certain would just not work. We all rolled with laughter when we finally got it figured out.
I consider both of these events administrations of God's grace. When some humor is needed, God can create some very comic moments. When God's children endure hardships, God's grace enables them to persevere. Sometimes his grace grants physical deliverance from cancer, other times the deliverance is far greater. Always it gives strength in the battle--if we will rely upon him. I think I have begun to understand what Paul meant when he wrote that we should not "grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope." There is a choice involved in this and either God's children will or God's children won't. The strength doesn't come from trusting in doctors, or in diets--though the Lord often uses these in the healing process. It does not come by confessing happy words or trusting in our faith. It comes from knowing our God, who has all power and wisdom and love, and entrusting ourselves to him because we know that whatever the outcome it will be the most loving and wise, because he can make it turn out any way he chooses. Sometimes our world is way too big and our God is way too small. We never imagine that God's grace will provide the strength we need before we begin the fight, but our testimony is that, in answer to many prayers, the peace of God has guarded our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. His word is true. Sometimes God's grace provides rest and comfort in strange places. Sometimes it supplies our needs through the generosity of others. Always it transforms us. Always it is sufficient for the need at hand.


Anonymous said...

Debbie, Tim, Biz, and Family...
Each one of you have always been a shining light for our family. Even through such a heart wrenching situation your grace and love flows from the updates. As difficult as it is for you all to walk through this, what an amazing witness you are to so many. We are earnestly praying for the specific things that Biz needs, as well as for protection and comfort for your family. We feel very blessed to be able to help in this way. Whenever God brings you home to the island, may your trip be glorious!

By the way... Sam was an amazing gentleman at the Harvest Party and helped a frightened Laura with the disk shoot! It was so sweet...

Love, Jake and Becky Phillips

Unknown said...

Wanted you to know that prayers for Biz are being offered all over the place. We're in Arizona but daily receive prayer needs from CTK. We're honored to be part of your prayer covering. And thanks for your blog. I look forward every day to reading your latest comments. God is so good; we praise Him with you!
David and Joan Kinderfather

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing updates and sharing the things God is working deeper into your hearts through this. I can remember my spells in hospitals and being so grateful for the moments of comic relief --- truly it is glimpses of God's grace as you have written. I continue to pray for your family.
If there are jobs that need to be done around your home that the Devo' group could come & do for you, please do not hesitate to let me know. We would love to help - it would be an honor to serve your family.

alp2295 said...

Hi there guys! It's so good to hear that you're still able to enjoy some light-hearted moments together. I can just imagine Deb asking the Dr. about the eyeball! Hilarious! And poor Biz with her medicine . . . I can just imagine a "you've got to be kidding me" look on her face. Hearing those little stories makes me miss you all so much. Thanks so much for the updates - I know you have other things you could be doing with your time, but we all appreciate it so much. Give the fam a big hug from the Pattons.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...