Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pressing On

Our next round of appointments begins on Monday, November 12. It is this process which will help us to determine the best care and treatment possible. Please pray for wisdom, for the doctors to have thoughts and opinions from Christ Himself, thoughts that might never have occurred to them otherwise. Pray for Elizabeth's spirit. She is so joyful now that I do not want anything to dampen her outlook, and I want everything to direct her thoughts to the love and goodness of Christ. I am praying for all of you, that her (and our) experience would make you more dependent upon Christ, joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Press on with us.
One thought as you pray. This comes from The Power of Prayer in a Believer's Life, by Charles Spurgeon. "The throne to which we are called to come is the throne of grace. It is set up on purpose for the dispensation of grace and from which every utterance is an utterance of grace...If in prayer I come before a throne of grace, the faults of my prayer will be overlooked...How this should encourage any of us who feel ourselves to be feeble, wandering, and unskillful in prayer."


Joe DePung said...

Tim, Deb, Biz, and Family,

I have spent the last few weeks constantly thinking and praying for all of you. What an encouragement it has been to hear how well all of the surgery went. I have to let you know how much I appreciate your blogging. It is set as my home page and every time I open a browser I frantically scroll down to see if there is a new post.

Biz, thank you for demonstrating to all of us reading this blog what it means to be content in all circumstances. As your parents blog and recount to us your persistent high spirits, I am continually reminded of Paul's words in Philippians 4.

Tim -- Remember Sema from Talaynias, the lady who put up with us everyweek even though we were probably a nightmare to serve? I went in to get some pizza the other day and she was there. She asked about you and where you were living, etc. She made me promise I would tell you that she misses you and is thinking about your family during this time.

Your family has impacted me more than you all will ever know,

Anonymous said...

Dear Tim, Deb,Biz and family,
Our Moms in Touch group here in Thailand has been lifting up your situation before the throne of grace. We have been encouraged by the good reports and can see clearly that God is carrying you all through this difficult situation.
We are praying that God do away with confusion, frustration and roadblocks, and that He will open every door that needs to be opened for you to be able to go on to the next step. Jesus is both "the door" and "the way" so we are trusting him to lead you safely through.
Holly for the Denneys

Anonymous said...

I know you have appointments today and we are praying for direction for you all and the Doctors. I think back to the youth group days when we would say, "It's all good." And it is and will be. Praise the Lord for working like He does. Love you all, Trish

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that we're praying for your appts. today. I'm praying that you'll get all of the facts, have wisdom to make decisions and that Biz will be able to rest in the knowledge that her parents will do what's best for her.

Love to all of you,

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...