Biz: great babysitter

Friday, November 2, 2007

Midday Friday

12:30pm on Friday and we're still in ICU, but only because they couldn't get us a bed on the regular patient care floor. Her eye is still swollen shut, but the swelling has gone down considerably. Biz has had a tiredness headache this morning because she's not getting good nights of sleep--not only are they constantly poking and prodding and shining lights and giving medicine when you're in ICU, but they also make her sleep at an incline to help reduce pressure and swelling. Kind of like sleeping in the Lazy Boy (or the pew at church) which some of us do quite well... The change to a different unit will be welcome--maybe she'll be able to get a good night of sleep. Not that I'm complaining, mind you...the care they have been giving her is amazing. The doctors and nurses are all energetic, professional, and considerate. The love what they do, and they do it well.
Here's some of the ways the Lord has answered our prayers so far...
Yesterday, Dr. Moe came in (followed by Dr. Larry and Dr. Curly--just kidding, but I knew you'd be thinking it too)...anyway, Deb and I have been constantly thanking the doctors for their effort and excellence, and Deb told Dr. Moe that she thought he did an amazing job. He responded, "it went better than we could have imagined." We had been praying for the doctors, as you all have been--we prayed for their strength and performance during the surgery, and when they came out to discuss the surgery with us we prayed with them, giving thanks to our trustworthy God for what he had enabled them to accomplish. But when even the doctor is impressed with how well the surgery went all praise goes to the Lord.
During his check-up yesterday, Dr. Perkins, the pediatric E.N.T., said he has never heard of someone coming out of this type of surgery without double-vision for at least the first few weeks (often longer). When he asked Biz how many fingers he was holding up, she said "one." In answer to your prayers, the Lord has kept Biz from having double vision.
We reached one small milestone: Biz took a shower last night. It wore her out, but she did it. We also pushed her around the hospital this morning in her wheel chair and hope to go for a walk after lunch. (Update: we played Gin Rummy instead and she beat me like a drum).
Things still ahead for prayer:
We are begining to discuss radiation therapy to kill the cancer cells that remain. Technically, Biz has had the tumor removed, but she still has cancer and, left untreated, it will recur. Options for what is best may take us as far away as Boston or Houston. Traditional radiation causes harsh side effects to any sensitive, healthy tissues through which it passes. This could result, in Biz's case, in eye problems like cataracts or even blindness, and cessation of growth on that side of her face. New technologies have been developed at places like Harvard Medical School that may help significantly. Pray for wisdom as we speak with the UW specialist.


Kris said...

During this difficult time I thank you for giving us the much wanted updates, information and how to pray. We praise and give glory to God for working through the doctors and directly into Biz's body. God is amazing and awesome. Please tell her I love her and miss her. We will pray for you 2 as well to get rest and have wisdom. In His Name, Kris

Anonymous said...

Tim Debra and family, It is already Sat Midday over on our side of the world.
On Sat 29 morning between 6 and 8 am pacific time much prayer with tears was given up for your family and especially Elizabeth at our Sunday evening worship prayer fellowship in Chiangmai Thailand. Some of the intercessors have taken this on,

Later here in Shillong NE India the Indian state of Megahalya we along with three churches upheld your family and Biz from 5am wed the day of the major operation until 12 noon year time of that day. We prayed until some of the groups were seeing the operation complete, a dramatic and amazing recovery basically the same words you have now two or three days later posted.
Thank you so much for the frequent updates. The second hundreds of people are taking the prayer bonds on for this here in SE Asia.
Craig from Shillong.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...