Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Another waiting room, another post

At this point, Biz's treatment schedule begins on the 17th. I had hoped to avoid a gap between travel and treatment but I was unsuccessful in my efforts. The upside is that they are planning for fewer sessions than we had been told at first (28 instead of 38) so her last treatment will be on January 30th. A tradition of sorts has grown up at the treatment center: families throw a party to celebrate the last day of treatment. With all these Texans around, I think I'll start planning for just the right Northwest Washington fare--salmon, crab, blackberries...maybe tofu and soy milk. With all the beef and fried food around here, they might appreciate the change of pace.
Speaking of change of pace: we are about 30 minutes away from the hospital and the highway that we travel (I-10) is in the process of being expanded to 20 lanes (10 lanes each direction)!! I guess that's what Texans mean when they talk about growth management. For those of you from San Juan Island: you've got to try this! But only once. For those of you not from San Juan Island: may God give you grace. For those of you from Houston, TX: the road hazard in the middle of the highway--that's me. Sorry.


Vic's reflections said...

Wow Tim!

God is so amazing! I hadn't read your blog in a week, and was planning to see you today at the office. God has moved ya'all on to Houston, so my prayers will come from more of a distance, but distance is not in God's economy, so He'll let you feel them down in the Lonestar state.

I will also pray for the family without hope and that God will use all of you to open their hearts.

All to His glory!

Blessings on you and the entire family! Enjoy the warmth from the sun and THE SON.


Vic and family

Anonymous said...

Greetings Tim and Debbie,

Glad you opted for proton, and glad that Continental took good care of you.

December-January is a far better time to be in Houston than, say, August.

Praying for you. Looking upward,


Anonymous said...

Tim and Family:

As a fellow San Juan Islander (and someone who grew up in Houston)--some advice for getting around:
1. Remember if the speed limit is 55, most everyone will be going at least 65.
2. Stay out of the left lane of any multi-lane road unless your foot is made of lead. In Texas, they firmly believe in Drive Right, Pass Left.
3. When entering an on-ramp, you should already be doing the speed limit. Don't wait for someone to let you into traffic, just move in and they'll let you wedge your car into traffic.
4. Blue Bell Ice Cream is a wonderful "cure" for almost anything. Texas is proud of Blue Bell, and rightly so--which is why they refuse to stock it anywhere but in the South.
5. Those nuts on trees are pronounced "puh con", not "pee can".
6. Real Tex-Mex food has no olives on it. Nowhere, no how.
7. Briscuit is the national meat of Texas. Best eaten plain or with a very light amount of homemade BBQ sauce.
8. Whole Earth Foods is a great place to shop for organic and earthy food.
9. They don't do a lot of salmon in Texas---but in a pinch a good batch of catfish will tide you over and is still healthy for you!
10. You guys are in the perfect spot for getting this treatment. And if you need anything, let me know--I have tons of Texas connections!!!!

You guys are in our prayers both here on the island and down in Texas.
--JB, Sharon, & Jerusha

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...