Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Exploder

The Pogues have an extra vehicle that they have graciously allowed us to use, a Ford Explorer that Charlsie has affectionately dubbed, "The Exploder." This morning Biz and I took the Exploder to a 9:00am appointment, braving Houston's Rush Hour traffic. We were listening to a message by R.C. Sproul when, suddenly, the volume grew louder and louder until...silence. On the dash, the anti-lock brake light came on, which began to concern me but as none of this seemed to affect the operation of the vehicle I just assumed that the radio blew out and that the light was always on, I had just failed to notice. Shortly after that, Biz pointed out that the tachometer read 0-rpms. Next the clock and compass began blinking, faster and faster, until they too disappeared from the screen. By this point, the car was running roughly and the speedometer had also stopped working, but as we were by now just two intersections from the hospital we prayed, "Lord, please just help us get to the hospital." As we were pulling into the parking lot Biz said, "Wouldn't it be funny if it stopped working right here..." which is exactly what happened. When we had pulled into our parking space it stopped running. I hadn't even put my foot on the brake to stop the car when the Exploder said "I'm done." I turned the response.
This is a story in process. Biz and I are now sitting in the waiting room contemplating whether to get a taxi home. I don't have the Pogue's phone number with me, so...
At least we're on time for our appointment, and the vehicle is not sitting in the middle of a city street.


Kris said...

We can be thankful for many things, like the Exploder not exploding. Thanks for the updates. I am on my way out the door to your house to Sam & Conner. Our goal today is to make a Hot air balloon out of tissue paper. It is sunny here so maybe we can fly it without burning it up. Boys like some danger.

Anonymous said...


It is tough to know exactly what is wrong with the EXPLODER however the scenario you described could be a bad set of battery cables. When a cable becomes disconnected it takes away the cushioning effect of the battery on the electrical system and the voltage can sore out of control. Your description of things blinking faster would be consistent with an excessively high voltage (believe it or not it can rise above 80 volts even more without the battery in the system.) IF THIS IS THE CORRECT DIAGNOSIS - There may be irreversible damage to those components that have already failed. The good news is the motor was still running until you parked and allowed the engine to idle indicating that when the alternator slowed and went off line there was no battery to sustain the system at idle. I would look for a loose or disconnected cable at the battery, starter, or at the ground connection at the frame and or engine block. The starter worked to get you going this morning and has been out of the circuit when you stopped cranking so it should still be good. If you use jumper cables and it cranks that pretty much disproves the loose cables at the frame, and starter, but it could prove the possibility of bad connections at the battery. There are a number of "fusible links" that could be involved as well. I hope this helps. Feel free to call.

Dave Kitchen

Anonymous said...

Howdy Ya'all,
The skies of TEXAS (hand over the heart) are glorious mainly due to the high ceiling and the huge billowing clouds.
Thank you for the detailed postings of your daily life. Could we possibly have your physical address there in Bunker Hill.
We will continue to pray for you.
Your friends,
Jim and Louise Lane

alp2295 said...

I hope your Exploder problems have been worked out!

Is Deb in Houston with you, or is it just you and Biz?

Still praying for you all,


Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...