Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Problem resolved

At Biz's next treatment, it seemed that anyone who is involved in her care at any level was present. The long story made short: they had used the wrong headrest. A foam rubber headrest is set into the bed before the patient lays on it, and this headrest comes in a variety of sizes and shapes depending upon how high they want your head and whether they want your chin tipped back or forward, etc. With a larger headrest its easy to see how an otherwise fine mask can suddenly become very tight. So, with the right headrest in place, yesterday's treatment went much better. The physicist then did whatever physicists do, and assured Deb and the doctor that even with the glitch, the radiation was applied to the right areas.
The rest of us are doing well. I have yet to get Lydia to school on's much easier when I don't have the boys in tow. We're only late by a minute or two, but this has been a cause of some consternation. May God pour out grace upon all you single parents. Lydia is also in the middle of semester exams, so prayer for her focus and her studies would certainly be helpful. Sam tells me every day how many more days there are until Christmas--when we'll get to see Mom and Biz. Connor is helping with everything, without even being asked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


With the vision aberration, one wonders if the radiation was properly targeted. Has the doctor ever suggested that vision disruption is a normal side effect? At first glance, at least, this seems to be flagrant malpractice.

This event is all the more cause for redoubling prayer for doctors' and physicists' wisdom.

Praying for all the Daniels. Looking upward,


Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...