Biz: great babysitter

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Infinite Love

Yesterday I had a revelation...God's love is infinite. You'd think that, as a pastor, I'd already have known this, but in my case it has taken tapping His reservoir of supply to recognize this. I, of course, understood it theoretically and theologically, but my theory and theology had not been tested to the point that it also became practical. The obstacle has not been the Lord's abundant supply. Those of you who have followed our journey have seen His loving response to our needs. The real obstacle has been my reluctance to accept it.
Last night during our church prayer meeting I was listening to someone pray for my daughter and I sensed that I was becoming hesitant to ask God for some things. It was as if I was afraid of reaching the limits of grace available to me, as if to say, "Boy, God sure has done a lot for us so far. I shouldn't impose upon Him any more than absolutely necessary." What a crock! I never deserved any measure of grace! It has all come as an expression of love.
Within my heart there are always remnants of an old way of life--the way of life that wants to obligate God. I had been tempted to consider God's grace just an appropriate response obligated by the severity of our need. We've all seen people respond in this way--the more severe the need, the greater the sense of obligation to meet it. Picture an infomercial about starving children in Africa and you'll understand what I mean. When you watch it you're not really compelled by love for them, but by the severity of their need and the level of guilt you may experience at your failure to help. And when you've "done your part," the obligation has been met. This is the sense of obligation that I had been inferring upon the Lord's abundant goodness. We were the starving Africans and he was the wealthy American obligated to respond to the need. And it was getting to the point where He'd done his part.
So there, in the midst of prayer, the Lord impressed upon my heart to continue seeking Him in all things and at all times, because the reservoir is limitless. He never was obligated. He only acts toward us out of His love for us. Every bit of mercy that He shows us is an expression of limitless love. The Lord gives and gives and provokes us to seek more. He does not become burdened by our constant asking, but delights in opportunities to prove that His love is without end and the riches of His grace are free flowing and liberal.
The simple fact is that we can't impose upon the Lord or obligate Him. We can, in our pride, lower our expectations of the Lord, but He will reveal His love anyway. So...pray with me and don't slacken in your requests because our need will never exceed infinite love.
A brief update: I left Debbie and Biz in Houston on Saturday to come be with the Lydia, Connor, and Sam. Deb will have to help Biz (with the Lord's enabling) through her first and early treatments on her own. Then we (me and the other kids) will travel to Houston on Christmas Day to be with them for a week and then Deb and I will swap duties. It's hard being apart, but it is for the good.


Anonymous said...

I woke up this morning, on a snowy, blowy, Colorado morning, praying for you all. I prayed big, as you suggested, Tim. I prayed for healing, as the Lord would have His will. We have a big God who cares ever so much about this outcome.


Anonymous said...

I am learning so much about our God and our relationship with Him! Thank you for sharing the truths that you are learning! It is SO PERTINENT to the rest of us in our walk with God. God’s blessings on you all and may you KNOW His love.

Dave Kitchen

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...