Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Big place

University of Texas Medical complex, and the MD Anderson Cancer Center, is a city by comparison with the University of Washington and Children's Hospital. We park at one building, sometimes take shuttle buses to other buildings, and even take 8 passenger golf cart shuttles to different parts of buildings. This gives the feeling of being on the very cutting edge of cancer research and treatment. People we spoke with beforehand said this was the finest cancer center in the world, which I did not believe could be better than the UW, but if it isn't, it must be the largest. This is not always a positive fact because it loses its personal touch--whereas at Children's Hospital a CT Scan was an individual event, here Biz was called into a group of about 7 women (all but her in their later 40's and up), led together to a dressing room, and then led together to the diagnostic imaging center. Looking at the women's faces, it all had a vague Auschwitz feel to it. Nevertheless, they were all getting excellent care.
Today Biz is having a PET Scan. It still remains for next week to take a field of vision test, an audiology test, and one or two more physician consultations. These have become routine for us, far different from our initial experiences when all was new. But please continue to pray for the doctors to see what they need to see and to have thoughts about treatment that are guided by the Lord. Please also pray for Biz's "human interaction." She's been spending a lot of time with adults lately and has only two little dogs for playmates. She could use a friend her age.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that often after I read your notes, I sit at my desk and stare at the screen, with my head on my hand, having so much in my heart, but clueless what to say. The word that keeps coming to my mind is "entrusted" Your family has been entrusted with this experience because you will show forth the life of Christ in it. The suffering? That is the mystery that causes me to sit and stare at the screen, realizing that this is the part that will be a mystery until we see Him face to face.

I rejoice with you that the care is the very best, and that is no accident! We pray for grace as well as healing for Biz. Dear Lord, show yourself strong in Biz's life! Amen


Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...