Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Back to normal...sort of.

This Christmas has had extra significance for the Daniels, for several reasons. First, we decided to incorporate the ancient English traditon of opening our presents on Boxing Day (for you pugilists, this has nothing to do with trunks, gloves, or the WBF; it is the day after Christmas, the day on which people open their boxes). Our interest was purely utilitarian, however, as Lydia, Connor, Sam, and I (Tim) were en route from Seattle to Houston on Christmas day and didn't arrive at the Pogue's until after 9:30pm. The primary reason for its significance to us was, of course, that we got to celebrate Christmas together after nearly a month apart.
I recognize that many people (I'm thinking especially of soldiers and their families) are apart for greater periods of time and miss many holidays in a row, but I thank the Lord for this blessing of His grace in our home, made possible through the generosity of a number of friends. I mentioned in church on Sunday that this has been another display of God's abundance toward His children--not only are we able to be together but, unbeknownst to us, the tickets to get us here are all round-trip, first-class! Sam is hardly visible in the middle of all that space.
Debbie looks beautiful. Elizabeth looks beautiful. There is nothing of great consequence to report about Biz's treatment--she goes, she reclines, they strap her in, they radiate, they let her out, and she returns to the lounge smiling. She doesn't even have to change into hospital gowns. These first few weeks are quite inconsistent, with several days for Christmas and several for the New Year (shceduled maintenance) without appointments. We've been assured that these gaps will not hinder effectiveness, but we really have no concern about that because we know that the Lord has factored all of this into His plan for Biz. Some change in the treatment schedule has pushed her return date back to February 2nd, however.
Right now we're just enjoying being together. We plan to see National Treasure 2, go mini-golfing, and eat out at a Tex-Mex favorite. I've spent the last couple of days going to treatments, building Star-Wars Legos, and encouraging patience in little boys whose Christmas money is burning a whole in their pockets. Deb has spent hers going to treatments, giving haircuts, and navigating for a husband with so little sense of direction that it's scary.
I guess things are back to normal...sort of.


Anonymous said...

Normal is by far over-rated! What is ‘normal’ anyway??

Normal: Conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal.

Just when you think you have arrived at ‘normal’ – it changes! So don’t even try to go there, I don’t think it exists!

I pray that your family is having a really fun together time and thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tim, Debbie and family,
We're so glad you're all together. What a treat for everyone! Yes, its hard for a family to be seperated for a time and it's especially difficult during the holidays so this truly is a blessing for can hug and hold, laugh and cry 'in person' and not just over the phone or by e-mail. God has been so good to you and true (as always) to His word that 'I will never leave or forsake you'.
Please remember that we continue to pray daily for all of you during this time. Although Biz gets the bulk of it, her situation affects the rest of you so we pray for everyone.
May God's richest blessing continue to rest on all of you.
We love you,
Rich and Lona

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers for Biz, you and your family. We are all thankful for the blessings that have been poured upon you all at this time. God's grace continues to be a great surprise.
Enjoy National Treasure, we did as a family.
Shannon Bailey

Anonymous said...

Dear Tim and Deb,

Just the Kellers wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Years! We are SO glad that the Lord brought you all together again for a time so you could celebrate as a family. God is perfectly gracious, isn't He? Oh, and Happy Boxing Day!!! We have a Brit in the family, so we know that day well! :^)

We had our first (and hopefully last) Christmas apart this year. Ger is still in Ukraine with Misha, waiting for paperwork to be completed so they can come home. We officially became a family of 7 on the 28th! God's provision in this adoption has been blatantly obvious AGAIN and that has buoyed our spirits even though we woke up on Christmas morning 8000 miles apart. You're right, Tim, MANY others are enduring far more and I've appreciated the opportunity to empathize in some small way with the sacrifices that they are making on our behalf.

Our prayers continue to be with you, and we are rejoicing in all the answered prayers that the Lord has sent your way.

Much love from ALL of us,
Bruce (and for Ger)

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to be able to spend Christmas together. We are praying that you will enjoy sweet times together.
God give you strength and courage. Thank God for a new day, and a new year. May you experience the new mercies that God extends towards you each morning.
The Denney family

alp2295 said...

That's awesome that you are all enjoying sometime together. (I feel like we are doing the same right now after the crazy running around that we call Christmas) It's so nice to chill out and just enjoy each other . . . there's no one else I'd rather be with!

I'm glad to hear that treatments are going so smoothly for Biz right now . . . even if you do have to brave the crazy traffic . . . I thought St. Louis was bad!!

We love you all! Enjoy your time together, and remember . . . In just a little over a month (though certainly it will be a LONG month)you will all be back home again!

(For all the Pattons)

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...